Who is a lady?

In the English-speaking world, it is usually customary to address a woman, especially if she belongs to the higher strata of society. In the usual sense, who is a lady, we are talking about a woman whose appearance immediately attracts her attention to her: men are pulled up, become unusual gallant and warning, and women listen to every word and gesture, trying not to miss a single detail.

The manners of this lady

An adult woman who grew up in a simple family, it is not easy to become a lady , because such girls are brought up since childhood. They are taught how to walk and talk properly, keep themselves in company, observe etiquette, and moral and ethical standards. By the appearance of a woman, by her posture, turning her head and looking, you can definitely say whether she is a lady or not. As for the appearance, this woman does not have to dress according to the latest fashion squeak. The style of her clothes is rather classic and restrained, the clothes are quality and sound, neat and clean.

Among the personal qualities of a lady can be identified:

  1. Punctuality. She never lingers for more than a few minutes, and when she meets, she will apologize for being late.
  2. Calmness and equanimity. The lady will never allow herself to lose her temper, to be naughty or rude to someone. In her vocabulary there are no abusive words, but she is able to clearly and clearly convey her thoughts to the interlocutor and without them.
  3. Dignity. Perhaps, this is the first thing that distinguishes a real lady.
  4. Tactfulness, politeness and modesty.
  5. Lack of fussiness and ingratiating, but at the same time such a woman will never descend to contempt and arrogance.

These are the manners that distinguish a true lady. Of course, there are few such in today's world, because today it's more customary to go over heads, display your wealth for show and boast of your own achievements, sometimes unworthy.

The behavior of a real lady

The behavior of this lady is a role model. She speaks quietly, not wanting to draw attention to herself, but produces the opposite effect: everyone tries to listen to her words, as if they fall under the magic of her charm, formed from hundreds of very different nuances - respectful and friendly treatment of everyone, nobility, kindness, sincerity and honesty.

The lady never deviates from the rules of behavior in society. She cleverly accepts guests and can communicate with anyone, whether it's the king himself or a simple worker. She will never put a person in an awkward position, will not offend and will not cursing, dissolving rumors about someone.