7 convincing arguments in favor of childbirth to 40 years of age

Childbirth after the age of forty: consider all the risks.

Modern women in their youth are preoccupied with building a career, realizing in the social sphere, creating a solid material base. The acquisition of a family and, especially, the birth of children is not among the priorities of most of today's youth. In this regard, the number of primiparous women aged 30 to 40 years tripled compared to 2000 year.

An increasing number of women are determined to give birth to a child in the fifth decade. It touched the trend and the stars of show business. So, the famous singer Madonna gave birth to her first daughter at 40, and at 42 she decided to have a son. In 42 years were the first birth and the Hollywood actress Kim Basinger. Russian actress Olga Kabo gave birth to a second child at 44, and Elena Proklova - 46 years. Sensational reports about the birth of babies in mothers aged about 50 and even older are becoming more and more.

We will find out how late the delivery is at risk, how they affect the state of the mother's body and the health of the baby.

1. Late childbirth is an excuse for doctors.

Doctors believe that the optimal period for delivery in women 19-28 years old, and the medically acceptable genital age - up to 37-40 years.

Experts argue that despite the achievements of modern medicine and the availability of resources that help cope with age-related problems, all risks associated with bearing a fetus and the birth of a baby can not be ruled out.

2. Natural aging processes are the cause of weak labor activity.

In the body of a woman who has reached the peak of maturity, irreversible processes occur, leading to depletion of natural resources. First of all, the musculoskeletal system and muscular system weakens. The spine becomes less hardy, joints weaken, muscles and connective tissue lose elasticity. All these changes cause a weak labor activity and many other complications.

3. After 40 years, the female body is no longer as healthy.

It's no secret that by the age of 40, a significant proportion of people have acquired chronic diseases. During pregnancy, the illness worsens: there are problems with the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, endocrine system, etc. Infringements in the pregnant body negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the development of the unborn child. Often doctors state placental insufficiency, oxygen starvation and delayed development of the fetus.

4. The impact of the environment is becoming more and more evident.

Closer to 40 years, we begin to feel the consequences of an unfavorable ecological situation and our own wrong way of life. Deterioration of health is caused by an unbalanced diet, insufficient motor activity, bad habits.

5. The risk of a child with Down syndrome increases by the age of 40 years.

But, perhaps, the most important risk factor for pregnancy in the pre-menopausal period is the possibility of giving birth to children with genetic abnormalities, mainly with Down's syndrome. And if, according to medical statistics, a woman under the age of 30 risks to give birth to a child with impaired genetics in 1 case from 1300, to 40 years - in 1 case out of 90, then at the age of 40, the risk of manifestation of genetic pathologies is about 1 in 32.

6. After 40 years it is very difficult to take care of a child.

Even the birth of a healthy child is not a defense against the occurrence of difficulties in the subsequent period. A significant disadvantage with the appearance of a baby in a late mother is the difficulty in taking care of a baby and the real possibility of not surviving the child's growing up. This situation can be mitigated by the presence of young close relatives - sisters, aunts, etc., who in case of death of parents can become a support and protection for a minor orphan, and to some extent compensate for the loss.

7. Mom's too mature age is an occasion for children's complexes.

Even if you exclude the most unfortunate outcome, you can not hide the fact that growing-up children are embarrassed by their elderly parents, whom others consider to be grandparents.

But there is also a "spoon of honey"

At the same time, it should be noted some positive aspects of late motherhood. So, hormonal reorganization of an organism promotes stimulation of metabolic processes, activization of immunity that gives powerful rejuvenating effect. There is also the view that childbirth after 40 years for a woman is the way to longevity, since a properly functioning reproductive system positively affects the entire body.

Mom aged can give the baby much more attention and care. As a rule, such mothers spend more time with the child, pay attention to joint activities, choosing useful pastime. Studies show that children born to middle-aged parents are more mentally developed.

Only by analyzing all the pros and cons of a late pregnancy, and objectively assessing your own health, you can make the right decision. And for motherhood to bring joy, it is necessary to enlist the support of close people, in the first place, the spouse.