Chips from courgettes

If you are on a diet or just watch the correctness of your diet, then for you a package of purchased potato chips with an abundance of spices and flavor enhancers is taboo. Instead of a useless snack, you can prepare your own, homemade, and not necessarily from potatoes. Starchy tubers can be replaced with something more light and useful, for example, zucchini.

Useful chips from a vegetable marrow



We bring the temperature in the oven to 110 ° C, while the oven warms up, we are engaged in chips. With the help of a slicer, set in the position of cutting pieces of minimum thickness, cut the zucchini into thin pieces. Spread the circles on a napkin covered with napkins or paper towels and cover with a second layer of napkins on top. Lightly press the napkins to the zucchini slices to get rid of excess moisture. Next, pour the chips with olive oil, season it to taste and spread it on a baking sheet. Dry the squash chips in the oven for at least 2 hours, after checking the chips and making sure that there is no moisture left in them.

By the way, chips from courgettes can be made in the microwave, greatly reducing the cooking time. After drying, the chips are also placed in a dish suitable for use in a microwave oven, we set the power to maximum and enjoy a crispy snack after 6 minutes.

How to cook chips from courgettes in the oven with cheese?



Cut into thin slices zucchini dried between layers of paper towels to shorten the cooking time. After a little drying, spread the squash circles on a baking sheet and pour them with oil. Salt and pepper remain at your discretion, the main thing - do not overdo it. From the previous recipe, this is distinguished by the presence of a sprinkle of cheese and bread crumbs. We connect the crumb with grated parmesan and crumble in a mixture, as in breading, each squash potato. We put a baking sheet with squash chips in the oven, the temperature of which reaches 230 ° C. After 25 minutes, when zucchini circles completely get rid of moisture and blush, they can be extracted from the oven, cooled and enjoy the original and low-calorie snack.