Herbs that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Too thick blood can cause various diseases and in the worst cases even leads to death. Preventive course from time to time to go to almost everyone. Those patients who do not want to take pills can take herbs that dilute the blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels. Of course, this action of herbal medicines is not limited. Most plants, among other things, help to strengthen immunity, improve mood, favorably affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

What herbs dilute blood with varicose veins and other ailments?

Blood-thinning components are found in many plants. The most effective and harmless are considered to be:

How to take herbs that dilute blood?

  1. Decoction based on the yellow sweet clover can easily replace Aspirin. In addition to the blood thinning action, the sweet clover provides a sedative, soothing, relaxing effect.
  2. Black tea with such blood-thinning grass as tavolga, and dogrose is not only useful, but also very tasty. It is recommended to drink a glass one or two times a day before meals. Optimum preventive course - from three weeks to a month.
  3. Decoction from dried inflorescences of horse chestnut helps to thin the blood very quickly, so too often and for a long time you can not drink it.
  4. With a high risk of blood clots, grass that dilutes the blood helps, the Caucasian dioscorea. Roots it is necessary to insist on vodka for a couple of weeks. Take tincture should be in small amounts three times a day. After a three-week course, there should be a one-week break, and then treatment continues.
  5. It is quite pleasant to taste and extremely effective medicine from clover, valerian, oriental and red hawthorn. All components are dried in equal proportions. In order for the mixture to act as quickly as possible, it can also add sweet clover, kiprei and melissa.
  6. Not grass, but a very effective means of dilution of blood in varicose veins of the willow. The drug promotes resorption of clots, and also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.