How to cure barley on the eye?

Barley is an inflammation of the eyelid, more precisely, an inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelash. The eyelid turns red, and a small swelling appears on the site of the inflammation, resembling barley grain in size. Barley can develop in children and adults. Due to the fact that the inflammation can not be painful, you want to cure barley on the eye as soon as possible. There are a lot of methods of struggle. Effectively coping with barley is not only medicines, but also folk remedies.

How to cure barley under the eye?

In principle, barley on the eye can pass by itself. But, firstly, the inflammation will bring a lot of problems (the swelling usually hurts and itches), and secondly, it's a very simple and time-consuming treatment that will not take away the strength and money.

Inflammations appear in the body of people with weakened immunity. Therefore, before you start treating barley under the eye, you need to revise your diet, the rhythm of life, perhaps even make an appointment with an immunologist (if such diseases are concerned with unenviable persistence).

To get rid of barley will help special anti-inflammatory ointments and drops. And sometimes the so-called helper tools like green or iodine cope with the problem.

Barley is cauterized with greenery, alcohol or iodine. This procedure is easy to do at home. Moisten in a solution a cotton swab and lubricate the site of inflammation. The main thing is caution. During the procedure, better close the sore eye and make sure that the medicine does not get into your eyes.

Cure the barley on the eye will help special ointments. Most often used Hydrocortisone or Tetracycline. Not bad proved to be Gentamitazin, which is sold in the form of ointments, and in drops.

When choosing a treatment with drops, preference should be given to Cipromed or Levomycetin.

Sometimes antibiotics are used to treat barley on the eye. But, fortunately, such radical and serious methods are rarely required. Moreover, very often even the above described medicines can not be used - with folk methods of cope.

How to treat barley inside the eye with folk methods?

In folk medicine, there are a lot of ways of treating barley. Each of them is effective in its own way. Their most important advantages are harmlessness and naturalness.

One of the most famous ways of treating barley is tea lotions:

  1. Brew strong black tea.
  2. Welding apply to the inflamed place.

It does not matter, even if there is no tea at home, a sachet will be used for the procedure.

Instead of tea brewing for lotions, you can use a decoction of chamomile , a tincture of calendula or plantain. All these funds are equally effective.

It is recommended to treat barley with dry heat. To do this, you need a bag of hot salt or egg.

Quickly cure barley on the eye will help the potato compress:

  1. Cook one potato and mash it.
  2. The resulting puree wrap in gauze and apply to the site of inflammation.

Aloe juice perfectly fights not only with the common cold, but also with barley. Dilute the product with water and rub it with a sore eyelid.

As soon as possible to cure barley on the eye will help ordinary bread:

  1. You need to take a small piece of crumb and moisten it with olive oil.
  2. Put the bread sponge on the sore eyes and hold for a quarter of an hour.

Do this twice or three times a day.

Sometimes barley from one eye eventually moves to the second. Therefore, it is best to do all the lotions and compresses for two eyes at the same time. During inflammation, it is not recommended to use cosmetics, it can only worsen the condition. And in any case do not press barley! Not only is this a very painful procedure, an infection after it can get into the eye.