Acacia flowers - medicinal properties

In 1859 it became known that the color of the white acacia has medicinal properties, and it has become very active in the treatment of certain diseases. Recently, more and more people are starting to seek help from folk medicine, returning to the recipes of our great-grandmothers. Not left without attention and a mind-boggling aromatic tree.

What are the healing properties of acacia flowers, and how to apply them correctly in alternative medicine, consider below.

Therapeutic properties of acacia flowers

Acacia flowers contain the following substances:

Due to the fact that acacia flowers have such properties and in their composition have a rich supply of useful substances, they are used in non-traditional medicine for the treatment of such diseases:

Also, the flowers of the white acacia, thanks to their properties, are used as a remedy to relieve spasms, antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant and laxative.

Recipes based on the color of white acacia

We present the most popular recipes of medicines prepared from the color of white acacia.

Recipe # 1:

  1. Take 200 grams of acacia flowers.
  2. Pour 500 ml of 40? -alcohol.
  3. We let it brew for two weeks, but do not forget to shake it periodically.

Ready tincture should be taken 30 minutes before meals for 25-35 drops.

Recipe # 2:

  1. 2 tablespoons of flowers pour 1 liter of hot boiled water.
  2. We put it on the fire and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. The broth is allowed to cool and filter, then add the boiled water so that the volume of the medicine is equal to one liter.

Take 3-4 times a day for 20 ml.

Recipe # 3:

  1. 100 ml of vodka or alcohol stir with 5-6 g of dried flowers.
  2. We give the mixture to brew.

Take twice a day for 15-20 drops, diluting them with water.

Contraindications to the use of acacia flowers

Since the white acacia is a weakly poisonous plant, the medicines manufactured from it should be taken in consideration of strict dosage.

It is absolutely counter-indicative to take medicine:

In cases where dosage is not observed, there may be: