How to take flax seeds?

Flax seeds have long become a very important culinary additive. They contain a large number of useful substances. If you know how to properly take flax seeds, you can safely get rid of various ailments. Moreover, it will be possible to do this without causing the slightest harm to the body.

How to properly take flax seeds to cleanse the body?

The following components can be found in the composition of the grains:

Combined with one another, the substances have many healing effects - antioxidant and purifying, for example.

Before you start taking flax seeds to remove toxins, slags, heavy metal salts from the body, you can grind them in a coffee grinder. The powder is added to yogurt, honey or porridge, and you get a very tasty medicine.

No less effective and decoction. A glass of grains is poured into three liters of hot water. On a water bath, the mixture should be held for at least two hours. Take it after percolation should be five to six times a day for a glass. The duration of the compulsory course of treatment is a month.

How to take flax seeds from constipation and to cleanse the intestines?

The easiest way to cleanse the intestines is to consume the seeds raw, in one piece. In themselves they are not very tasty. But added to the salad or any other dish of the grain will add piquancy.

If you need help urgently, it is better to prepare an infusion or a decoction. Drink the funds received is recommended either early in the morning on an empty stomach, or in the evening before going to bed. And in the most difficult cases - in the morning and in the evening. For greater effect in the drug can be added ground fennel and coriander.

How to take flax seed with gastritis?

Adherents of traditional methods of treatment have long recommended taking grains with gastritis. They help protect the stomach mucosa from irritations. To obtain a healing agent seeds must be cooked. This is necessary in order to get mucus.

You can prepare the medicine by filling a tablespoon of flax with boiling water and boiling the mixture for about five minutes. After this, the product must be infused for a couple of hours, and it can be taken. To use a viscous liquid is recommended for one tablespoon three times - four times a day before meals.

This is not the only way to use grains for gastritis . They can also be heated, folded into a pouch, and then applied to a sore spot. Such warm compresses help to quickly eliminate the pain that often occurs with an ailment at the top of the abdomen.

How to take flax seed from cholesterol?

It has long been known that seeds can replace meat in terms of the amount of nutrients. But unlike the "original", flax contains a fiber - a component that effectively cleaves fats.

Many experts are sure that if you add a little grain to your daily diet - three tablespoons with a slide is enough - and the amount of cholesterol in the blood will decrease noticeably.

Very useful seeds are not only in raw form. Oil, cooked from them, also has a beneficial effect on health. To drink it enough just one sip before eating.

How to take flax seed with diabetes?

Flax seeds are recommended for diabetics, as well as for people who are addicted to the disease, because they contain carbohydrates in small amounts. In addition, the grains have a special effect on the body. They: