The benefits of red caviar for women

Red caviar (caviar of salmon fish, in some species of yellow color) is a valuable and very popular delicacy food product, which has very high taste and nutritional qualities.

The use of red caviar for the human body is unquestionable. This miracle product contains about 30% of proteins, amino acid complexes, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, folic acid, lecithin, a complex of vitamins (A, E, D, C, and group B). Also, red caviar contains about 20 valuable trace elements, including phosphorus, calcium and iodine compounds. As we understand, all these substances are indispensable for the human body and are necessary for its normal vital activity. Thus, we come to the conclusion that red caviar is an excellent product for health and longevity. Regular inclusion in the menu of this product helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, improves eyesight and skin condition, optimizes the functioning of the sex glands, liver, brain and nervous system, strengthens immunity, and restores the body during rehabilitation after various clinical complications.

Is red caviar useful for pregnant women?

Of course, and, undoubtedly, such product as red caviar is especially useful for pregnant women, however, it is necessary to take into account some points.

We will tell you which red caviar is more useful for pregnant women.

Regardless of the type of fish, red caviar , in any case, should be properly cooked (salted).

Properly saline is the red caviar, aged in brine (salt solution 4-7%) for 4 hours. And caviar should be withdrawn from the fish no more than 4 hours after the catch. In addition to salt, canned and preserved red caviar for sale may contain vegetable oil, and not more than 0.1% in the amount of sorbic acid and sodium benzoate - these substances can be considered safe enough in such concentrations. When choosing red caviar, be careful, avoid counterfeit (it can contain harmful substances).

Of course, caviar of self-caught salmon fish should be cooked using only brine and oil - this will be the most useful red caviar.

The amount of red caviar consumed by a pregnant woman should be limited to 1-3 tablespoons per day, since the product is prepared with salt, which means it can cause edema and an increase in blood pressure.

If the future mother has increased swelling and blood pressure, it is better to minimize the daily amount of light-salted red caviar to 1-3 teaspoons - this is quite enough for the benefit and joy.