Acute bronchitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

The problem of inflammation of the bronchi is called bronchitis. This is an ailment in which an abundant amount of mucus can be released into the lumen of the bronchus, thereby causing a violent cough and shortness of breath. The disease can affect all, without exception, including children and adults.

Symptoms and treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

This disease is mainly caused by viruses or infections. In the first case, bronchitis develops in acute respiratory infections, influenza and other acute respiratory diseases, in the second case - infections such as cocci, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc. Also, bronchitis can occur when inhaling chemical vapors, dust, smoke, other substances and allergens that irritate lungs. People suffering from asthma, sinusitis and other chronic lung diseases are most at risk.

In adults, acute bronchitis has such symptoms:

On average, the disease lasts 14 days, but if the symptoms do not go away during this period, there are additional unpleasant feelings and the temperature does not drop, then the doctor must necessarily send the patient to the chest X-ray to not miss the development of pulmonary pneumonia.

How and how to treat acute bronchitis in adults, what medicines and medicines to use, should be decided only by the attending physician, after a complete examination of the patient and the delivery of the necessary tests. This is important, since bronchitis is a serious enough disease that can lead to complications or go into a chronic form. In this case, a properly prescribed course of treatment is the key to a successful recovery without negative health consequences.

With infectious bronchitis the doctor can prescribe antiviral, antipyretic drugs and cough suppressants. If acute bronchitis in adults is due to infection, then antibiotics in the process of treatment will be extremely necessary. In some, more severe cases of the course of the disease, corticosteroids may be prescribed.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults with folk remedies

There are methods of treating folk remedies of acute bronchitis in an adult.

Onion broth


Preparation and use

Onion is peeled and finely chopped. Then, in the boiling milk, add the prepared onion and cook until it is completely softened. When the broth is ready, it should be filtered into a decanter or other convenient container, cool and add honey, at a rate of 1 h. honey on a glass of broth. The finished product should be taken about three days for 1 tbsp. each hour.

Means with propolis


Preparation and use

Pre-melt the butter. All the prepared ingredients are mixed. Take the finished product several times a day in diluted form in the proportion of 1 tsp. mix to half a cup of water, and store it in the refrigerator.

Effective inhalation with expectorating herbs, balm "Asterisk", etc., for better separation of sputum.

If improvement does not occur after 3-5 days, it is better to finish with self-treatment and contact the therapist to avoid getting unwanted complications or not to miss the concomitant diseases that can lead to deplorable results without due attention.