Fistula of anus

Fistula of the anus (fistula) is a serious complication that develops against the background of diseases of the rectum. There are two types of disease:

  1. Complete fistula is diagnosed when opening the passage and into the lumen of the intestine, and through the skin outward.
  2. About incomplete fistula it is a question in that case when the fistula opens or through a skin, or in a lumen of a gut.

What causes a fistula in the anus?

The cause of the disease are pathogenic microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process. The pus formed as a result of inflammation disrupts the skin and mucous membranes. Fistula near the anus appears as a complication in a number of diseases, including:

Also, pathology can occur with a decrease in immunity after infectious diseases, as a result of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Fistula of the anus - symptoms

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

Fistula of the anus - treatment

Curing the fistula of the anus without surgical operation is impossible. Therapy of the disease consists of three stages:

  1. Anti-inflammatory treatment, use of antibacterial agents.
  2. Operative intervention.
  3. Postoperative rehabilitation.

Operation in the fistula of the anus is aimed at excising the fistulous course of the rectum and the tissues affected by the pathological process. To avoid complications after surgery, surgeons try to keep the sphincter intact. The postoperative period after the elimination of the fistula of the anus takes 5-10 days, depending on how quickly tissue regeneration takes place. In postoperative days, it is important to follow a special diet that involves taking sufficient liquid food, as well as products with a laxative effect. After defecation it is necessary to make sedentary baths with disinfectants, for example, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment of fistulas in the anus by folk remedies

The process of tissue healing after surgery can be accelerated using traditional medicine. In treating the fistula of the anus at home, the following formulations are used.

The first recipe



Vodka and olive oil mixed.

The second recipe



Calendula pour alcohol and insist for 2 weeks, then filtered. In the infusion, add water and a solution of boric acid.

The third recipe



Remove aloe leaves with a knife, place in a jar and pour honey. Within 8 days, keep the mixture in a dark cool place, from time to time shaking. Press the composition through the cheesecloth.

In all cases, the tampon soaked in the mixture is gently injected into the rectum. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Attention! It is recommended to wash the fistula with a solution of furacilin before injecting a tampon with a therapeutic agent.