Roses made from corrugated paper

There are more than 120 kinds of roses on the planet today. Small, large, simple, terry, colorful - the beauty of the queen of flowers is amazing! You can make such a beauty from paper. And let her not, as if alive, exude a subtle, breathtaking fragrance, but your house will decorate such a craft exactly. Master-class (further MC) for making roses from corrugated paper step by step is quite simple, therefore in a few minutes you will have an amazing flower that pleases the eye.

We will need:

  1. By the patterns given below, we cut out the petals, the cup and the leaves of our rose. To simplify the task, corrugated paper, from which you will make a rosebud, fold five times. So, for one cutting out you will get five petals of different shapes at once. In total, we must have at least twenty petals, the sizes of which will be different. But the leaves can cut as much as you want. Just do not forget at the edges of the leaves to cut out small denticles. So the leaves will remind the real ones even more.
  2. When all the details of the flower of corrugated paper are ready, a rose can be collected. To do this, we bend one end of the wire and thread on it petals. We start with the smallest petals, and then in a circle we string medium and large. The first circle of a flower consists of narrow two petals, then - from three, and then four and, finally, five. Each subsequent petal must go a little bit to the previous one, partially covered by the next one. So that they do not slip off the wire, stick them in a little. The petals must be slightly deformed, and the edges bend outward, giving the rose volume.
  3. When the petals are gathered into the bud, glue the green cup on the base from the outside. Wrap the wire by wrapping the stalk with green corrugated paper. If you have time, make a slash before wrapping it on a piece of paper. In them you can then insert the spikes. They can be made from small squares of green paper, previously wound on the needle. To keep the thorns firmly, a bit of glue should be dripped into the notches.
  4. Leaves of roses from corrugated paper can be attached to the stalk in the same way as spikes. There is another way: attach them with a wire to the stem, and then wrap it with green paper. The rose is ready!

There is such a way of making roses, like twisting. Making one bud does not take you more than five minutes. The flower is made extremely simply: from the previously cut strips of corrugated paper, the edges of which are curled according to the technology indicated in the photo, the bud is folded.

Then the end of the paper web with the twisted rind is wrapped inside. He will serve as the core of the rose. In a circle, the canvas curls into a bud. After this, you must use a thread or wire to fix the base of the flower.

To our flower looked more voluminous, slightly bend its petals, and compress the base.

From such paper roses you can now make whole bouquets, filling them with a basket or vase. The corrugated flowers are also decorated with cards, from the gift boxes . Original will look a bouquet of roses of different colors.

A large and even a giant rose made of corrugated paper can become a creative and very unusual gift . Of course, its creation will have to work, because the main thing in this craft is the strength of the stem. It is better to use a small plastic pipe. Such a stalk will be not only strong, but also light enough. Technology in principle, no special differences, but the paper will need many times more.