Additional education for schoolchildren

In 1992, the concept of "additional education for children and young people" appeared. It did not become something new, because there were always different circles and sections that schoolchildren could attend during their free time. Simply in our time, the whole system of education, including additional education, is undergoing significant changes. The upbringing and all-round development of the modern rising generation is at the forefront, as never before.

Additional education for preschool children

Various classes, developing abilities of children begin long before school. They can take place both in kindergarten, and in different circles and sections. While the child is still small and does not know what he likes best, parents should independently guide him to the right course and develop the abilities inherent in nature.

Mostly, little children are engaged in small groups, because at this age, attention is short-term and in a large team, classes will not be held to the proper level. Parents bring their children to the sports sections - gymnastics, swimming , dancing, or giving them to children's musical groups for the development of singing talent.

If a child draws with enthusiasm, the children's art studio will teach him the basics of drawing and the vision of beauty. Children's additional education is a serious matter and one should not treat it as something temporary and unimportant. After all, your child later will also be careless about everything.

Additional education for junior schoolchildren

What kind of circles of additional education does not exist? Before the schoolchild, starting from the first class, opens a lot of directions, the main thing - to make the right choice. There is nothing wrong when a child visits several completely different circles at once - if he wants to do it himself.

Additional education for schoolchildren, even in small settlements, not to mention the megacities, is very diverse. Often the child wants to try himself in everything. But it is better to limit 2-3 circles, so as not to overload the children's body.

The development of additional education for children is constantly improved. Several directions, each of which is divided into many more subgroups, is designed to cover as much as possible the scope of the needs and interests of children, from the youngest to adolescents. Artistic, technical, physical culture, sports, science, social and pedagogical and tourist-local lore, here is an incomplete list of those areas where a small person can find and realize himself.