Modern education of children

Education of modern man begins long before he begins to realize himself as an independent person. In order for him to grow up successful and happy, parents must exert a lot of mental and physical strength. Modern approaches to education are very different from those that our parents used. It was enough for them to know that the child was full, dressed, well-behaved at school and attending a certain circle, because the reality of that time did not require special parental exploits. The country needed executive, submissive workers to build a bright future. Children in a normal rhythm studied at school and rested after school.

Upbringing at the present stage is a combination of various methods aimed at making a small person competitive and popular in the society, starting from the school bench, and for this he must become a person with a capital letter. Sitting at a desk in the first grade, the child should already be able to read and have an idea of ​​the figures, to know in which country he lives and who his parents are, to navigate in the times of the year and the days of the week.

Modern methods of raising children are very diverse, and specialists in this field do not have a clear idea of ​​which one is optimal, but, most importantly, that both teachers and parents adhere to one tactic or complement each other, rather than contradict. If the child has got to the teachers who adhere to the modern concepts of upbringing, then we can say that he was lucky, because such people try to present the child with knowledge in the form that suits him.

Modern methods of raising children

The problems of upbringing in the modern world are and will be until the adults taking responsibility, becoming parents, will not primarily change themselves for the better. The same applies to educators and teachers. After all, it is impossible to instill in a child the idea of ​​kindness and justice without having these qualities. Deeply feeling a child's soul sees all the falsity, and all lessons from such a person become meaningless.

Modern education of children begins literally from birth. Parents followers of Glen Doman's technique surround the kid with various pictures and inscriptions stimulating his intellect, given by nature. Hand in hand with intellectual loads go and physical, because the balance is important.

Closer to the year the child is offered to master the method of Montessori or Nikitin . It is impossible to say what is better for a child - a loving mother who gives herself all the development of the baby or specialists in the centers of early development who are professionally fit for modern technologies of upbringing. In any case, when the child is given maximum attention, and he grows in a friendly atmosphere, it positively shapes his small personality.

Modern problems of family education

Family for the child is his first educational environment, in it he learns and comprehends the main values ​​of life, based on the experience of generations and relationships within the family. Unfortunately, modern life is arranged in such a way that parents have to work very hard to ensure the worthy existence of their family. And at this time the child is brought up at best by relatives, and often he is left to himself. The child's psyche is designed in such a way that, like a sponge, it absorbs everything that the child is surrounded with. All negative information along with the positive affects it to a greater or lesser extent.

Modern problems of raising children are problems of society as a whole. Incomplete families are becoming more and more, parents are taking off their responsibility for education and are transferring them to a computer and TV, motivating by their employment and the fact that they provide the child financially. Until we realize that our invested children will pay off later, in the form of a more educated and civilized society, we will blame society, the state, but not ourselves. Therefore, let us begin with ourselves for the good of our children and their future!