Animated series for teenagers

It turns out that not only kids like to watch cartoons. Children of adolescence also want to spend a few minutes at the TV screen, if a new series of their favorite animated series for teenagers comes out. And although this category has very fuzzy boundaries and is suitable for viewing even by adults, it is for such an audience that these entertainment TV programs are intended.

Top animated series for teenagers

The list of the most popular and interesting animated series for teenagers includes, first of all, modern foreign cartoons. Let's find out what it is worth to look at adult children at their leisure.

  1. "Daria". This is a cartoon about the life of an American schoolgirl with a difficult character. The deliberate exaggeration of problems in each story, cleverly thought out by the writers, makes the audience laugh, look at their lives from the outside and change for the better.
  2. "Sailor Moon." Such a popular anime genre has not bypassed the multindustry. This series for teenage girls tells the story of Princess Sailor Moon from the kingdom "Silver Millennium". The girl suddenly finds out that she is not an ordinary schoolgirl, but a warrior who must protect her subjects.
  3. "Turtles of the Ninja". This cult animated series has attracted for many years to the screens not only kids, but also children of adolescence. The famous Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo once again defeat evil, thanks to special honed techniques of karate.
  4. "Ever After High. Road to Wonderland. " Mostly, this is a cartoon for girls, because the plot is about fairies and witchcraft, which is unlikely to interest boys. In the school, Ever After, a set of the most famous children of their parents. They will receive here the foundations of magical arts, which can be used in the future for good and not very good works, so that the established way of life in the universe is not violated.
  5. "Cool beavers." This animated series has something in common with the life of teenagers. It is about how parents sent beaver brothers into an independent life and carefree times for them ended. Senior Norbert is very enterprising and cunning, and more than once it affects the younger. Daggert is too cheerful and carefree that he can not help grieving the elder. But everything in the life of beavers develops quite successfully, because they are helped by faithful friends.
  6. "Family Guy". This animated series for older teens is filled with black humor and ridicules the behavior of people in society. In the foreground, the American family - father, mother, children and a dog drinking Martini.
  7. "Adventure Time". Two friends - Fin and Jake of different ages, but this does not stop them from making friends and saving the world and princesses from monsters. Another of the central figures is an amazing dog, able to change shape and stretch.
  8. «KotoPos». An amazing creation with different heads - a cat and a dog does not come to a consensus with itself. Getting into various curious situations, KotoPeus tries to get out of it in the best way, but here it turns out not always.
  9. Scooby Doo. This is a cartoon about a company of teenagers and their faithful dog, who are fighting evil monsters, get into desperate situations, but each time they get out of the water.
  10. "Hey, Arnold!". To the animated series about the love of teenagers is this one, where the protagonist boy Arnold, living in a boarding house with his grandfather and grandmother, loves to help others. He has a girlfriend who is secretly in love with him, but for nothing that will not show.