Exercises for the lumbar spine

The lumbar spine consists of only five vertebrae. The greatest burden falls on them, regardless of whether we are standing or sitting. Due to incorrectly distributed load (classes of asymmetrical sports, such as throwing a ball or tennis, and also because of hypodynamia), the spinal column in the lumbar region is very frequent in both children and adults.


Most often, children begin to know the diseases of the musculoskeletal system from scoliosis . Scoliosis of the lumbar region is almost invisible, and even perceived by the child's parents as normal development. But if you look closely, the sloping pelvis, stoop, and the collapsed shoulders (I degree of the disease) indicate the urgent need for exercises for the treatment of scoliosis of the lumbar spine.

Another frequent disease is osteochondrosis. The first symptom is a sudden pain in the lower back with sudden movements, sneezing, coughing. The back loses mobility, the work of the genitourinary system is disrupted, the pain gives even to the legs.

And the reasons, and exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are no different from scoliosis. Unbalanced nutrition and hypodynamia lead to disruption of metabolism and nutrition in the tissues of the intervertebral discs, and physical labor or excessive loads - to their deformation.

Since we are talking about intervertebral discs, we should mention protrusion - a degenerative change in the discs. Most often occurs precisely in the lumbar region, and is the precursor of the lumbar hernia. Usually people notice ailment only when, during a sharp movement, a nerve will pinch.

In the treatment of protrusions of the lumbar spine also exercise exercises LFK , drugs analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and in the most severe forms - even surgical intervention.

And the last of the most common forms of diseases is hypermobility. It is manifested by the fact that during the bending of the back, the vertebrae do not form a smooth arc, but a line with tears, that is, some of them protrude from the common row. With instability of the lumbar spine, the role of exercise is to strengthen the muscular corset and fix the spine. In this case, to strengthen the position of the vertebrae, a soft fixing corset is used for the waist and a neck collar for the neck.


And now let's start the exercises for the lumbar spine, which will help to remove the pain, strengthen the muscles and normalize the bends of the spine.

  1. IP - sitting on his knees, buttocks on his heels, his hands are on his knees. On the inhalation we bend the lumbar region, while we try to leave the thoracic area motionless. And on exhalation we straighten and bend.
  2. IP - lying on the back, on one side on the edge of the bed. The lower leg is maximally elongated, the upper leg is bent and located in the popliteal dimple. The left arm is on the knee, the right hand is on the side. The turn is achieved by the fact that the pelvis is turned in one direction, and the shoulder belt - in the other. On inhalation, turn the head as far as possible to the right, while pressing lightly on the knee with the palm. Fix the position for a few seconds, and repeat to the second side, turning on the other side of the couch.
  3. Modification of the exercise - we lay on our side, we do everything the same as in the previous exercise. To work with the lower part of the lumbar region - the upper leg, bending, we fix not at the knee cavity, but below, at the Achilles tendon. All the rest, we repeat, as in exercise. 2.
  4. Now the modification for the upper part of the lumbar region - we lay down on the edge of the couch, on the side, now, do not bend the upper leg, but stretch it to the side. All the rest we repeat as in exercise. 2. We work until easy pain, but not strong!
  5. Repeat exercise 2 again with the modifications.
  6. IP - posture of sybarite. Lying on his side, we rest on the elbow. The right hand on the hip, the elbow looks away. Maximize with the help of the arm of the hip, and in this position we do a few jerky movements towards the navel. We repeat to the second side.