Cranberry juice during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy especially watch their diet. In the diet should only be high-quality and rich in vitamins foods and drinks. But not all medicinal fruits and berries can benefit the future mother and her baby. In this article, we will discuss why pregnant women drink cranberry juice and how to prepare this miracle drink.

Of course, experts unanimously say that it is necessary to use cranberries in women while the child is waiting. This berry is a storehouse of useful elements and it has no equal. It is rich in pectins, contains a huge amount of organic acids - lemon, ursolic, quinine, apple, oleander, succinic, oxalic, etc. By the amount of vitamin C, cranberries are not inferior to strawberries, lemons, oranges and grapefruits.

In addition, it contains vitamins PP, H, group B. If a woman regularly uses cranberry juice during pregnancy, she gets a lot of microelements, which are so necessary for her and her crumbs. This berry is really rich in potassium, iron, manganese, copper. Slightly less in it are phosphorus and calcium. In addition, it contains boron, tin, iodine, nickel, silver, titanium, zinc and other microelements.

The benefits of cranberry juice during pregnancy are enormous. It increases appetite and digestion, it has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and increases the production of gastric juice. Morse from a cranberry possesses bactericidal effect, protects genitourinary system and kidneys of the future mum from infections. Drinking a cranberry drink, a woman gets a lot of antioxidants that fight "bad" cholesterol and, conversely, raise the level of "good".

Ursolic and oleander acids dilate the vessels, nourish the heart muscle. If the mother suffers from migraines, then the cranberry fruit will reduce pain, lower blood pressure, and at the same time increase the elasticity of the blood capillaries. With a cold, a cranberry drink will help to overcome the heat and quickly overcome the disease.

During a happy expectation, a woman often finds unpleasant moments, in particular, swelling. Without diuretics can not do. It is better to drink cranberry juice - an excellent natural remedy for swelling in pregnancy, which has a powerful diuretic effect.

But there can be a question, whether to all pregnant women it is possible to accept a cranberry mors. No, because to any product there are contraindications, and cranberries are no exception. The taste is a very sour berry, and this serves as a warning that not all are useful. A huge amount of vitamin C can be unsafe in the early stages of pregnancy. Ascorbic acid can tonify the uterus and provoke a miscarriage. Of course, for this to happen, you need to drink a lot of Morse, but still be careful.

Cranberry juice can cause an exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, if you have such problems, you should abandon the cranberry.

Cranberry Morse Recipe for Pregnancy

In order to preserve its healing properties, it is very important to use it correctly. Let's find out how to properly cook cranberry juice for pregnant women.

To prepare this amazingly useful drink we need 500 g of peeled and washed berries. Pour them into a non-oxidizing bowl or other container and crush the cranberries with a wooden crush. We should have a mashed potatoes. Using gauze, we squeeze out the juice, and fill it with 1.3 liters of water and bring it to a boil. In a hot drink, add 150-180 g of sugar. Wait until the compote is cooled, and then add freshly squeezed juice into it. Our healing drink is ready!

Thanks to the fact that we did not boil cranberry juice, Morse preserved its beneficial properties. It turned out not only useful, but also very tasty. By the way, it is better to use it slightly warm - so its healing effect is strengthened.

How much should you drink cranberry juice during pregnancy? To drink brought you and your baby a favor, you need to use it regularly - 1 glass a day.

Thus, we found out how to prepare cranberry mors for pregnant women, and discussed its medicinal properties. Drink this drink for health!