Dimexide - compress

Dimexide is a strong enough and effective drug for the treatment of skin diseases and various complications of the musculoskeletal system. It is used as a local treatment, acting directly on the problem area of ​​the skin and its cause. Has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. Dimekisdd compresses are most often prescribed for pustular skin diseases, burns, trophic ulcers, eczema, bruises and erysipelas. Dimexide has analgesic effect, therefore, it is effective for arthrosis, radiculitis, inflammation of joints and other similar problems.

How to compress with Dimexide?

It is not difficult to make a medical compress, the main thing is to know how to apply it properly and for what purposes. The simplest method of preparing a compress is as follows:

  1. Dimeskid dilute a little with water, depending on the degree of the problem and the sensitivity of the skin.
  2. Take a gauze cloth or any other and moisten in a previously prepared solution of the dimi-oxide.
  3. Napkin a little squeeze, so that it does not drip, and attach to a sore spot.
  4. Top of the napkin is better to put a special paper for compresses or a polyethylene bag, then warm it with a warm scarf or handkerchief.
  5. This compress is put no more than for 4 hours, and to exceed this time is absolutely not desirable.
  6. If you leave such a compress for a long time you can cause on the skin characteristic burns.

Compress with dimexide is used for:

Dimexide with novocaine - compress

It is worth noting that such a mixture is serious enough and joking with it is not recommended. Proportions for the compress themselves can not be chosen, this should deal with your doctor. Comparison of the necessary concentrations will be based on the nature of your disease and the degree of skin sensitivity. Also remember that such a compress is not used to treat, but only to eliminate pain in the case of a particular disease. Compress from dimexide and novocaine can cause characteristic side effects - itching or rashes. In this case, the use of such an anesthetic should be stopped immediately, as this is a significant reaction to the intolerance of the combination of the two drugs. For example, it can be a compress with dimexide on the knee in combination with novocaine, when it is necessary to reduce pain and the very cause of inflammation.

Compress with dimexid on the throat

Such a warming compress can be prepared at home, choosing the right proportions and considering all the rules of such treatment:

  1. We need dimexide, aloe juice, honey.
  2. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 2: 1: 2, everything is thoroughly mixed. Only it is worth remembering that dimexide must be previously diluted with water a little.
  3. A gauze dressing or any fabric is wetted in this solution and superimposed on the throat, wrapped around a warm scarf for warming.
  4. Compress should be left for three hours for action. If the burning started before the time, then the bandage is better to remove, in order to prevent the occurrence of a burn.

This procedure can be done every day, preferably at night, so that after not supercooling the throat.

The compress of this plan is especially effective for colds, as dimexide has a good warming effect. Effective compresses with dimexidum with arthrosis , when it is necessary to warm the joints and directly affect the cause of this problem.