Festal - Analogues

Festal is a combined enzyme preparation that contributes to the improvement of digestive processes. The main pharmaceutical property of this drug is the provision of processes for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine. This is achieved due to the content in the formulation of pancreatin - an extract of pancreatic contents, including enzymes amylase, lipase and protease.

In addition, Festal contains an enzyme hemicellulase that promotes the absorption of plant fiber, and bile extract for stimulating the motility of the gallbladder and intestines. The preparation is produced in the form of a dragee, covered with a special protective coating, which does not dissolve until it penetrates into the small intestine.

The main symptoms in which this drug can be prescribed are:

What can replace Festal?

There is a large number of Festal analogues - enzyme preparations that can compensate for deficiencies in the secretory function of the pancreas and biliary excretion of the liver. These drugs are produced on the basis of pancreatin, the main active ingredient, but can also contain other active and auxiliary components, and also be produced in various dosage forms.

We give only an incomplete list of Festal analogs, including drugs that are the most popular and often prescribed for today's time:

What is better - Festal, Pancreatin or Mezim?

Mezim, like Festal, contains pancreatin, but it does not contain an extract of bile and hemicellulase. The indications for taking this medication are similar. In this case, the absence of bile acids in Mezim makes it possible to use it for cholelithiasis, when cholagogue substances are prohibited, as well as with a tendency to diarrhea. bile can provoke a loose stool. When both Festal and Mezim are taken, the enzymes are cleaved in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, thanks to a membrane that protects against the action of the acidic environment of the stomach. Pancreatin tablets also contain pancreatic enzymes as an active ingredient and are coated with an enteric coating.

What is better - Festal, Creon or Enzistal?

Creon , acting due to pancreatic enzymes, is distinguished by a special form of release. This preparation is produced in the form of gelatin capsules, consisting of mini-microspheres with active substance. Getting into the stomach, the capsule dissolves, releasing the microspheres, which are mixed with the food coma. After that, the pancreatic enzymes protected by an enteric membrane, are supplied portion by piece into the small intestine, where they are activated. Due to this, the food is digested more evenly. Enzistal is a complete analogue of Festal; contains both pancreatin, and hemicellulase, and bile components, has the same form of release.

What is better - Festal, Penzestal or Pazinorm?

Penzistal - a preparation in the form of tablets, covered intestine-soluble shell, based on pancreatic enzymes. The drug Panzinorm also contains only pancreatin of animal origin and does not contain bile and hemicellulases, in contrast to Festal. The panzinorm is released in two forms: capsules and tablets, covered with an enteric-protective coat.

To give an unambiguous answer to the question of which of the above analogues is better, it is impossible. The efficiency with which this or that drug will operate depends not only on its composition and form of release, but also on the individual characteristics of the human body.