Human chakras and their meaning

The literal translation of the word "chakra" is a disk or a wheel. It is this form that takes the energy chakras of a person, located vertically along the spinal column and attached by branches to the spine. You will not see the chakra on the x-ray - they are not in the physical, but in the etheric body of man and invisible to the undeveloped human eye, but are clearly visible and understandable to those who have revealed the highest chakra - sahasrara. But first things first. Let's talk about the chakras of a person and their meaning in our life.

General concepts

The chakra function is to absorb and absorb the universal energy, transforming it into an organism that is digestible for the organism. The seven basic chakras of a person are connected with the seven endocrine glands and regulate their functions.

Each chakra has its own color, smell, mantra. If you want to strengthen the effect of this or that chakra, you should wear clothes of its color, use its ethereal odor and sing the appropriate mantra.

In addition, the chakras are constantly in motion. They can rotate to the right and left. Movement to the right is a male power, or yang, aggression, power, willpower. Movement to the left - female power, or yin, means submission and acceptance.

Diseases and chakras

According to Ayurveda, any disease is a sign that one of the chakras is not working properly. Failure in the work of chakras means either its closure, not the perception of energy, or its increased activity, and, accordingly, too much absorbed energy. As a result, treatment consists in its activation, or pacification.

Characteristics of chakras

We describe the main properties of energy disks according to the location of the chakras on the human body.

Muladhara is the earth's chakra, located in the perineal region. Its function is to push urine and sperm out of the male sexual organ, and also push the baby out of the mother's womb. If the chakra is not activated and not developed, it manifests itself in the form of instincts and passions of a person, if you work on it, it will become the spiritual beginning of the personality. The chakra corresponds to the red color.

Svadhistana - orange color chakra, located between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra. It is associated with the digestive and lymphatic system, the female mammary glands. Responsible for the taste, creativity.

Manipura is the chakra of strong-willed people. Its color is yellow, it is responsible for the gallbladder, adrenal glands, liver, pancreas and spleen. This third main chakra makes man a fighter, gives strong health and a long life.

Anahata is the heart chakra. It connects the animal and the spiritual principle of man. Her color is green, she gives compassion, creativity, helps to overcome her karma.

Vishudha - is located in the throat. Her color is blue, she is responsible for the ability to meditate, extrasensory abilities, work with dreams. This is the chakra of self-expression, contemplation. People with developed vishuddha chakra often become spiritual guides, sages, experts in scriptures.

Ajna is the "third" eye . The blue chakra is located between the two eyebrows, is responsible for the pituitary gland, the work of the two hemispheres, the nervous and endocrine system. A person with a developed ajna chakra realizes his divinity and has the opportunity to see others in a divine form. Such people have a pure, enlightened mind, magnetism and clairvoyant skills.

Sahasrara is the last chakra. It is located on the crown of the head, responsible for the skeleton, the medulla oblongata, the nervous system, the thyroid gland. This is the chakra of spiritual knowledge. The person who opened this chakra does not see any more oppositions, for him everything is one and divine.