Differential psychology of personality and the concept of norm

One of the most important places in the field of psychological knowledge is differential psychology, and it appeared recently. It has a connection with other branches of this science, but also with sociology, philosophy and psychophysiology. With its help, people's personal differences and methods of their diagnosis are systematized.

What does differential psychology study?

The section of science that studies distinctive features between people of different classes and groups is called differential psychology. With its help there is systematization of individual differences and ways of their determination. It helps to assess the differences in numerous areas. The first scientist who began to conduct research in this topic was William Stern. Two main tasks of differential psychology: the identification of individual differences and the explanation of their development.

At present, this science deals with the cognition of personality traits related to individuality, spirituality, general outlook, features of self-awareness and a characteristic style of personality. Annually, perfection and development of various methods and approaches that make it possible to recognize a person and his features are carried out. Modern differential psychology employs a developed mathematical-static apparatus.

Differential psychology - methods

Several different techniques are used, which are conventionally divided into several groups. General scientific methods can be called a modification of some popular techniques used in other directions. They include observations, experiments and modeling. The second group is psychogenetic methods of differential psychology, which are aimed at determining environmental factors and heredity in certain variations of features.

The next type is represented by historical methods dedicated to the study of outstanding personalities and situations that have become the impetus for their spiritual becoming. The last grouping is psychological methods, which are a certain foundation for mastering this direction of psychology. They include the following ways of knowing: introspective, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, age-psychological and psychosemantic.

Differential psychology - personality

There are several industries that concentrate their activities on the knowledge of certain areas. Differential personality psychology studies the differences between people, their causes and consequences. The main methods of studying are tests that enable us to measure the level of development of the individual's properties. Behind such a concept as a person there is a certain set of properties that characterize each person, and distinguish three classes: character, temperament and abilities, such as cognitive, motivational, needful and volitional.

A significant characteristic of an individual is his attitude towards the public and the existing responsibilities. It is described by the level of understanding of their relationships and their sustainability. A person is not born with specific skills, interests, character and other characteristics, as they are formed throughout life, but with a certain natural basis.

Differential psychology - ability

Individual-psychological characteristics of an individual are usually called abilities. They are a condition for the successful performance of various activities. Abilities in differential psychology are described by means of appropriate characteristics. Give them the qualities and quantity, that is, the degree of expression. Skills on the first indicated trait can be of two types:

  1. General . Describe a system of individual traits that are important for mastering knowledge and doing different work.
  2. Special . Applied to describe the properties of the individual, with which it is possible to reach certain heights in different areas.

With regard to quantitative characteristics, they are determined by the degree of manifestation of opportunities. Tests and exercises are used to measure them. Apply this industry to describe such criteria: the type of functional systems and the type of activity. An important part of the skill structure is the makings and operations for their implementation.

The concept of norm in differential psychology

Terms allow you to better understand the topic, figuring out some of the nuances. The norm is a static concept, and it is perceived as an ideal, for the conventional designation of an existing phenomenon. There are different definitions of this concept, which are applicable to numerous phenomena. Psychological norms of differential psychology are caused by social stereotypes, so if human behavior does not correspond to existing canons, then it is perceived as a deviation. Norms are constantly updated and changed.