How to make adzhika at home?

Home adzhika can be added to almost all dishes - even in borscht, even in stews. And you can simply supplement it with the taste of any dish. Excellent, it is in tune with stew . In general, it's a matter of taste. Now we will tell you how to do adzhika at home.

How to make a sharp adzhika at home?



All vegetables for adzhika first carefully my. First we twist the tomatoes in the meat grinder, put the mass in a large saucepan and put it on the fire. At this time, the refined sweet pepper is also twisted in a meat grinder. With bitter pepper, we do exactly the same, only it is not necessary to clean it, since the seeds will only give the flavor and aroma. In the same capacity we send and ground garlic. Approximately 30 minutes from the beginning of the boiling in the tomato mass, we put the twisted pepper, then boil for 30 minutes, so that excess moisture evaporates. In the process of cooking adzhika must be mixed. After that, add hot pepper, garlic and cook for 5-7 minutes. Sugar, salt and vinegar is better to add parts and taste the adzhika. So it will be possible to adjust the taste of the finished product depending on personal preferences. Sharp adzhika poured on sterilized jars and roll.

How to make a crude adzhika?



In tomatoes we cut out the peduncle, we clean the pepper from the seeds, and the onion and garlic - just from the husk. We twist the prepared ingredients in a meat grinder. Mix everything well, add salt, oil and vinegar. Everything, quickly and simply, but tasty and very useful Adzhika is ready.

How to make an Abkhaz Adzhika?



We remove the sharp pepper from the seeds, we remove the tails. We clean the cloves of garlic. Prepared peppers together with garlic twist on a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Spread the mass in a deep bowl, add salt and mix. Ziru and coriander are poured into a dry frying pan and fry over low heat until spices start to radiate a strong aroma. Immediately pour them into a plate, add the remaining spices and all together grind with a coffee grinder. Grind to the state of flour is not necessary, it is better that the grinding was average. Pour the spices into the pepper with garlic and mix. Everything, fragrant and very sharp adzhika is completely ready for use.

How to make a delicious Adzhika for the winter?



In peppers, we cut out the core and the peduncles, and together with the tomatoes we grind them in a meat grinder or in a blender. We put the mass in a saucepan and put it on the fire. After boiling, boil for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, grind garlic, hot pepper, add the resulting mass to the one that is brewed, and all together boil for another 10 minutes. Now sprinkle sugar, salt, pour vinegar, butter and boil for another 10 minutes. Almost at the end, add crushed parsley and cook for another 5 minutes. Then we pour the adzhika over the sterilized jars and roll them up.