Herpetic sore throat in a child

Herpetic angina is an acute viral-induced spontaneous disease, which is common in children.

Herpetic tonsillitis - symptoms

Usually babies complain of ulcers in the mouth, severe sore throat and high fever. Developing vesicles (vesicles, ulcers) appear mainly in the back of the throat and palate, causing pain. Often because of this, the child refuses to eat, which can lead to dehydration of the child's body . It is also possible to increase the lymph nodes on the neck and the appearance of a rash.

Causes of herpetic sore throat

This disease provokes Coxsackie viruses. These viruses are found almost everywhere, so it will be very easy for them to get infected with a child, especially with a large crowd of people. Often, infection occurs through the hands, dirty water, unwashed food, airborne and contact. A large risk of getting a herpetic sore throat is present in infants and toddlers up to three years old, but the possibility of disease in younger schoolchildren and adolescents is not ruled out.

Herpes sore throat - treatment in children

First of all, we note that this form of the disease is contagious, and the child must necessarily be isolated from peers and family members.

As a rule, treatment of the disease is symptomatic. To remove the allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed, such as claritin , suprastin, diazolinum and others. Reducing the temperature contribute to antipyretic agents: ibuprofen , efferagan, acetaminophen and others. For anesthesia, you can use a solution of lidacoin, which also acts as a barrier to the spread of infection.

The child's room should be well-hydrated. The kid needs a lot to eat and drink. Antibiotics for herpetic angina in the treatment do not play any role, so their reception is absolutely not needed.

All medications should be agreed with the attending physician, in order to avoid side effects and incompatibility of the selected drugs.