Symptoms of an allergy in adults

That person who has never suffered from an allergy, can not imagine what kind of problem it really is. Symptoms of allergy in adults are the most versatile. And often they deliver the patient a maximum of discomfort, depriving them of the opportunity to live a full life.

Types of allergies

Allergy is a unique reaction of the body to certain microparticles. Long-term medical experience proves that anything can cause an unpleasant allergic reaction. Specialists have identified for themselves several of the main types of allergies that occur most often:

  1. Symptoms of respiratory allergy in adults cause dust, animal hair, pollen.
  2. Some people suffer from allergies to insect bites. Even ordinary mosquitoes can cause an attack.
  3. The cause of allergy to drugs is mainly potent drugs - antibiotics.
  4. Allergic reactions to food are most common. In general, adults are allergic to milk, sugar, fish, citrus, some meat dishes.
  5. Unfavorably affect the body of certain types of household chemicals.
  6. There is also an infectious allergy. The cause of it are harmful bacteria and microbes.

Symptoms of food allergy in adults

Food allergy is a kind of bug of the body. In some products, he sees a threat to his normal work. Allergy is expressed by such symptoms:

In adults, food allergies can sometimes rise in temperature, but it does not happen very often. The most common manifestation of the problem is a skin rash that covers the body from head to toe.

Symptoms of drug allergy in adults

This problem affects both children and adults. The main manifestations of drug allergy are:

By and large, all types of allergies manifest similar symptoms. Because of this, many patients have to take special tests to determine the allergen.

Neglect the symptoms of allergies in adults can not. Even the most inconspicuous eruption over time, if contact with the allergen is not limited, can develop into anaphylactic shock or cause acute vascular insufficiency.