How fast can I learn English words?

Knowledge of English in modern life is necessary for a successful career, travel, communication . However, mastering a foreign language is slow, because it is impossible to quickly and easily learn complex English words belonging to the "German" group, which is very different from the "Slavic". To help in this case, there will come receptions that will prompt you how to learn a lot of English words.

How to learn English - words and associations

The main difficulty in learning foreign languages ​​is that their words are completely unlike their own. And they need not only to remember for a long time, but also to be able to use. To quickly learn a lot of English words, you can use a method such as associations.

Associations are one of the most effective ways to remember information. This method people use since childhood, remember, for example, how a child says "meow" at the sight of a cat or "bibicates" when a car drives along the road. The method of associations helps to effectively fix an unknown word in memory with the help of various sensors - visual, sound, taste, etc.

For example, remembering the word honey (honey), try to imagine this sweet delicacy. After a while at the sight of honey, you involuntarily remember his English pronunciation.

The method of association presupposes a creative attitude toward memorizing words. For example, chess (chess) sounds like the word "scratch". Imagine that you run around small chess figures and tickle. Or, for example, a sleeve is like a "plum". Imagine that you have stuffed these sweet fruits with the sleeves of your sweatshirt.

For better memorization, reward your associations with colorful characteristics. The word confine is like "candy," imagine that you restricted the movement of your child by building a wall of chocolates. The English word blame (scolded) is associated with the Russian "flame". Remembering it, imagine an angry boss, whose fire flies out of his mouth.

What is the best way to learn English words - cards

Learn English well help cards. This method is often used by students, and not only for memorizing foreign words, it also helps in memorizing various formulas.

Prepare a large number of small paper cards. On the one hand, write the English word and its transcription, on the other - the translation. These cards need to be arranged in such a way as to often see them, and periodically repeat the words. When you want to check yourself, flip the cards down with English words and remember them, looking at the translation.

To memorize progress faster, select a group of words so that lexical units from different regions start with different letters. Do not try to remember all the meanings of English words - teach only those that are needed for a specific context.

Such a visual method connects visual memory - one of the most powerful types of memory in a person. Instead of translating words, by the way, you can use pictures.

Methods that help to optimize the memorization process

Since the human brain does not allow you to memorize an infinite amount of information, you need to determine the optimal number of English words or phrases that you can learn at a time. This you can find out experimentally for a few lessons. In the future, try to stick to this amount, so as not to overload the brain. You can increase the number of words when you realize that the amount of memory after regular exercises has increased.

After the process of memorization, you need to give the brain a rest. The break can be from 20 minutes to 2-3 hours, the main thing - you should completely distract. Then try to repeat the learned words, looking at their Russian translation. The second repeat of the memorized must be done in a day. AT Further repetition of English words should become for you an everyday activity. If you stop doing it - all the work on memorization will pass in vain.

Finally, listen to the advice of competent teachers how to quickly learn English words: