Fear of clowns - why are some people afraid of clowns?

Each person has some kind of fears, only one prefers to hide them, and another frankly shares the problem. In medicine, there are a lot of phobias, but there are also very unexpected, for example the fear of clowns.

What is a cow phobia?

Crowphobia is a special term that describes the problem of fear of clowns, both in children and adults. Such a definition appeared relatively recently, but the problem has not existed for a decade. It is noteworthy that some psychiatrists do not consider phobia a disease, while others recognize it as a serious pathology and develop treatment regimens. In order to understand the nature of the problem in more detail, you need to understand the main reasons.

Why are some people afraid of clowns?

Many experts in the field of psychiatry on the question of why people are afraid of clowns, answer that this was caused by the work of some writers. After watching movies about evil clowns, most viewers "turn on" the imagination and the hero with a foamy nose automatically draws a sword or other equally terrible weapon of murder.

To more serious reasons, why are afraid of clowns, experts attribute:

  1. A true face is hidden by a thick layer of makeup or a mask and it is impossible to determine the true feelings of a person, and a smile on the face is usually fake.
  2. Fear of clowns in many develops because of their manners of attracting attention (usually for this use of sharp movements, gestures and loud laughter), and this behavior often speaks of mental disorders.
  3. Not every person is ready to laugh at themselves, and the clowns do this (inviting to join their games, the people around laugh at all the participants of the show, which can cause discomfort and individual fear).

Why do children fear clowns?

Such a phobia, like the fear of clowns, is often found in children. The reasons differ from adult fears, but they should be given special attention. Kids do not watch "horror movies" and their imagination may not be so developed, nevertheless, the fear of clowns is inherent in them. Often young children are afraid of everything new and unusual, especially if these qualities are combined in an unfamiliar person who loudly talks or laughs, strangely moves and yanks. The child remembers a terrible picture and can react to pictures with clowns.

Why are Americans afraid of clowns?

The spread of phobia "contributed" to the media. In just a few years, a lot of horror movies with cruel clowns appeared in the cast. In addition, in the newscasts, stories of criminals, pedophiles and maniacs often flashed under the masks of the merry fellow. The fear of clowns from the West spread, and in our strip he appeared much later, as "local" clowns dressed in funny costumes and put on a cute make-up.

How to stop being afraid of clowns?

Crowphobia fear of clowns, like the rest of phobias, requires timely action. Someone may think that getting rid of the problem is simple - you need to stop going to the circus and watch similar programs on TV. Before making a decision, you need to understand that you can meet with them in real life. On the streets of the city with their participation, various presentations, promotions or festive events are often held. It is important to understand that the phobia of clown fear should be treated in people of all ages.

One of the available methods of eliminating the problem, psychiatrists call a personal acquaintance with the clown. A new acquaintance can be asked to apply or wash off make-up with "patients". It is important to understand that a clown is a character whose role is played by an ordinary person. You can experiment and dress yourself or dress a child in a bright clown suit and make your family laugh. After that, you need to add positive emotions and see a merry and kind cartoon about funny circus artists. After such "procedures", kolrofobiya will recede, and life will play with new bright colors.