Treatment with leeches at home

Hirudotherapy or treatment with leeches, despite the long-standing invention of this method, is still one of the most effective methods for supporting and alternative therapy of very many diseases. The positive effect of the agent under consideration is due to the content of the protein-enzyme mixture in the saliva of worms. The proposed material describes in detail the treatment with leeches at home.

Medical leeches - treatment at home

The composition of the leech extract includes various enzymes that are designed to disinfect the incoming liquid and improve its properties. Similarly, the body leech adapts the thick blood for digestion in the stomach. In addition, this protein-enzyme composition has an effect on the walls of blood vessels and blood flow in general, so that the worm is easier to suck and eat.

The most important substances in the saliva of the leech are destabilase, hirudin and orghelase. Additional effect is produced by deczrin, antistasin and kalin, as well as several groups of other proteins contained in a small concentration.

For the procedure, it is necessary to purchase only medical leeches, preferably in specialized institutions. In addition, you can not use any hygiene products with a smell, smear the skin with cream and smoke, because the leeches are very sensitive to flavors and just will not suck.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by leeches at home

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches - in this case is used for the appearance of external and internal hemorrhoids. In one session, up to 4 worms are used. Preparation consists in keeping the anus clean, without using toilet paper and soap. The leech should be placed either directly on the hemorrhoids node, or next to it, but the biologically active point the worm will find itself. The duration of the procedure also depends on the leeches, they will disappear on their own when the hunger is quenched. Treatment sessions are held once every 6-7 days until persistent improvements.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with leeches

Hirudotherapy with this disease has an almost instantaneous analgesic effect. Moreover, already after the first procedure microcirculation of blood in tissues improves, the expressed antiseptic effect appears.

Depending on the degree of damage to the spine, 5 to 10 worms are used, which must be located in areas where the most painful pain is.

The course of treatment with leeches will be about 30-40 days with the frequency of sessions no more than 2 times in 8 days.

Treatment of gout with leeches

The cause of this ailment are concentrated deposits of salts of uric acid and iron in the joints, as well as negative changes in the composition of the blood. Because of this, necrosis of muscles and soft tissues begins.

As practice shows, significantly improve the patient's condition allow 5-6 procedures of treatment with leeches. Medical worms suck blood with an excess of heavy compounds, and saliva entering the bloodstream helps to normalize the composition of the biological fluid and its circulation.

At a time, 1-20 leeches are used, depending on the size of the affected skin gout . Sessions are held once a week.

Treatment with liver leeches

The use of hirudotherapy for the organs of hematopoiesis in the overall detoxification of the body, the removal of salt deposits and free radicals. Leeches are used both for poisonings of varying severity, and for the therapy of more serious liver diseases.

One procedure will require placing 4-5 leeches in the zone of the right hypochondrium and, if necessary, in the center of the abdomen. Sessions should be conducted once every 10-14 days for a month.