IVF procedure in stages

In vitro fertilization is an important breakthrough in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. This is a real opportunity to conceive and give birth to a healthy child for couples, all attempts at infertility treatment have proved ineffective.

Despite the great popularity, IVF is a rather complicated, stage-by-stage planned procedure, requiring careful preparation, patience and material costs.

Detailed description of the IVF procedure

The essence of the IVF procedure is the implementation of a whole list of step-by-step actions, the purpose of which is to introduce a full embryo into the uterine cavity and further development of pregnancy.

The protocol of in vitro fertilization is an algorithm of successive measures for the preparation of the organism of a woman and a man, which contribute to an increase in the chances of successful fertilization and the actual medical manipulation.

Preparation means a comprehensive examination with mandatory delivery of tests, examination in mirrors, ultrasound of pelvic organs and other additional examinations according to indications.

With regard to the immediate stages of the IVF procedure, we can distinguish the following:

  1. With classical in vitro fertilization (IVF), the first stage of the procedure is the hormonal stimulation of ovulation , which is performed for the simultaneous maturation of as many follicles as possible.
  2. The second stage is the production of eggs from ripened follicles, for this, a puncture (puncture with a hollow needle) is done.
  3. The third stage involves fertilization of the obtained egg and the subsequent cultivation of the embryo in the incubator up to six days. As a rule, fertilization is carried out in two ways: according to the standard scheme or, in the case of poor sperm parameters, by the ICSI method.
  4. Embryo implantation can be considered the final stage.

Then the patient is prescribed special preparations to maintain the necessary hormonal background, as well as a list of recommendations. The control test for pregnancy is carried out not earlier than 10-14 days after the introduction.