Childbearing Age

A childbearing age is a delicate matter, if we take into account the current trends of modern women and men to postpone the birth of a child at a later date. Perhaps, from a certain point of view, there is a share of common sense in this, as many are worried about the material situation, career growth, personal development, the lack of a suitable partner, etc. However, do not forget that the human body is prone to the natural aging processes, and therefore pregnancy after 35 years can be very problematic.

Let's talk about what period is considered the best childbearing age for men and women and how to extend it, if the birth of the child at the moment is not possible.

Genital age when planning pregnancy

According to scientific studies, the best childbearing age of a woman is considered to be 20-35 years. This period is most favorable for several reasons:

In addition, the risk of miscarriage, severe toxicosis, bleeding decreases, which can lead to pregnancy at an earlier age. Also, a child born to a very young young lady may be a little and poorly adapted to the conditions of the external environment. Important role played by the psychological factor, as a young mother is often simply not ready for such responsibility, do not have the necessary knowledge and means to provide the baby with everything necessary.

For many reasons, pregnancy after 35 years is considered unfavorable. First of all, this is due to the natural extinction of the reproductive function , hormonal and other disorders in the body, the negative influence of the environment, etc. In addition, late pregnancy often ends with the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities.

The genital age of men also has its limits, it is a period of up to 35 years, when the body produces the greatest number of quality, capable of fertilization of spermatozoa.

Therefore, those wishing to reproduce posterity should later become acquainted with recommendations on how to prolong the childbearing age in order to avoid negative consequences. Namely, pay due attention to your health, as far as possible, avoid overwork, stress, monitor the quality of consumed products, abandon bad habits.