How do waters leave pregnant women before giving birth, and when is it time to go into the hospital?

The allocation of amniotic fluid from the genital tract at a later date is one of the precursors of the onset of delivery. Let's consider this process in more detail, we will find out: how the waters leave pregnant women before giving birth, when this happens, and what the future mother is experiencing.

What do you mean, "the waters went off"?

Amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is a natural barrier, performs a protective function. It directly reduces pressure on the walls of the uterus, prevents infection of the baby inside the womb, protects against external influences. The volume of amniotic fluid increases with the duration of gestation, and by the end reaches a volume of 1.5 liters. Fetal membranes, the placenta also prevents penetration of pathogens into the interior, keeping the sterility of the amniotic fluid until the moment of delivery.

In late terms, before birth, there is a disruption of the integrity of the bladder and water flows out through the vagina. In this case, obstetricians use the term - the passage of amniotic fluid. This sign is a harbinger of the beginning of the birth process, signaling to the woman that it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital. At the same time, it is necessary to record the time when the waters left.

When do the waters leave the pregnant woman?

Watershed is a physiological process that is the end of the first stage of labor. It occurs after the violation of the integrity of the amniotic bladder, when the cervix is ​​slightly opened at 4-5 cm. However, it is also possible that the outflow of the amniotic fluid is noted before the onset of the period of labor. In this case, doctors use the concept of "prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid". If, after this, the clashes do not begin within a few hours, the doctors take action to stimulate the childbirth process.

How to understand that the water has passed?

In order not to miss the beginning of childbirth, future mothers are often interested in a gynecologist, how to understand that the water left during pregnancy. The main feature of this process is the outflow of fluids from the genital tract. In this case, the volume can be small - 100-200 ml. In this quantity, the front waters are distinguished, which are between the presenting part of the fetal body and the inner yaw of the uterus.

Young mothers, telling pregnant mothers about how the waters leave before giving birth, compare this process with involuntary urination - underwear and clothing suddenly become wet. Most departures occur in the morning. In some cases, leakage of amniotic fluid may occur - a gradual separation of the amniotic fluid due to a disruption of the integrity of the fetal bladder. Such a condition requires the supervision of a doctor, as it can disrupt the further course of the delivery process.

Is it possible to skip the flow of water?

Answering the question of pregnant women, can one not notice the water drainage, doctors give a negative answer. Even a small discharge of fluid from the vagina, always worries pregnant. In some cases, women bearing the first-born can take the excretion of the mucous plug in water. These two biological fluids have significant differences:

Went off the water - how much to give birth?

Leaving the waters before giving birth means that the cervix is ​​already slightly ajar, softened and ready for the delivery process. This period is favorable for the onset of delivery. However, it is impossible to accurately answer, after how many deliveries begin, doctors can not. Normally, fights and accompany the outflow, but in practice another option is possible. Most often this occurs in primiparous, when the amniotic fluid first flows, the first fights appear after a while. On average, they are observed after 3-4 hours.

It is very important to watch how the water flows from the pregnant women before the birth and the duration of the waterless period - the time from the outflow to the appearance of the baby. Normally, it should not exceed 12 hours. In practice, doctors after the outflow of water and lack of labor after a few hours, begin stimulating activities. A prolonged anhydrous period adversely affects the process of delivery and the fetus.

After how many years after the separation of the waters, the fights begin?

After figuring out how the waters drain during pregnancy, women try to find out when their baby is born. After the waters have passed, how many fights will begin depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. It has been established that the water-repellent anhydrous period lasts less, and contractions begin after 1-2 hours. There are cases when the first regular contractions cause a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. As they increase, the cervix is ​​opened, after which the second period of labor begins - the expulsion of the fetus.

Can fights begin without the loss of water?

Contractions without loss of water are possible. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm, completely corresponding to the mechanism of birth. As a result of intensive contractions of uterine myometrium, the cervix opens. At this point, the integrity of the fetal bladder is compromised due to the increasing intrauterine pressure. After the outflow of the amniotic fluid and the full opening of the uterine neck, the process of fetal progression through the birth can begin.

The waters are gone, but there is no fight - what to do?

Often, primiparous women face childbirth with a situation in which water has passed away, and no fights are observed. Doctors at this development advise not to wait for their appearance, while at home, and go to the maternity hospital. It is important to fix the time for the withdrawal of the amniotic fluid, and to inform it to the doctors upon arrival in the medical institution. In the maternity home, doctors examine the pregnant woman and, if necessary, begin stimulating the birth process.

What if the water has drained away?

The outpouring of amniotic fluid is a signal for my mother that a long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon take place. A pregnant woman should pay attention to the time when the outbreak occurred to inform his doctors. It is necessary to carefully inspect the water: normally they are clear, occasionally have a pinkish hue, there is no smell. The greenish, brown color of the amniotic fluid indicates intrauterine infection, which threatens the health of the baby. This can also occur with oxygen starvation (hypoxia) requiring medical attention.

After the waters of pregnant women leave before childbirth, future mothers can finish the last preparations for departure to the birthplace. Doctors recommend to go to a medical institution no later than the beginning of regular bouts: the interval between two subsequent contractions of the uterus should be no more than 10 minutes. If there are no contractions, and the waters have departed 2-3 hours ago - one should not wait for their independent appearance, but go to a medical institution.

Premature outflow of amniotic fluid

The early outflow of amniotic fluid, which occurs before the onset of the process of delivery in the absence of labor, is usually called the premature withdrawal of the amniotic fluid. Talking about how the water flows from pregnant women before giving birth, doctors pay attention to the possibility of their premature isolation. According to observations, this phenomenon occurs in 10% of all pregnancies.

Sharp diversion of amniotic fluid requires urgent hospitalization: when there are no contractions, the interval between them does not decrease, the intensity of contractions is low, there is a risk of death of the fetus. The long-term anhydrous period itself is fraught with the development of complications, among which infection of the fetus. Timely provision of medical care helps to avoid violations.