Erosion of the cervix after delivery

Erosion of the cervix is a defect (wound) of the vaginal part of the cervix. During the examination by a gynecologist, erosion looks like a bright red spot around the cervical uterus. There is also such a phenomenon as pseudo-erosion - when the epithelium of the inner canal of the neck extends beyond it. Upon examination, pseudo-erosion looks like a red velvety area around the pharynx.

Erosion of the cervix after childbirth is often the cause of gaps in the process of childbirth. The cervix seems to be turned inside out. Improper suturing of the gaps threatens with the appearance of defects that bring discomfort to a woman. In this case, additional treatment is needed, which can be carried out only after a certain time after delivery.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion after childbirth

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor, in addition to examining the cervix after childbirth, must resort to some additional analyzes. For example, a smear is performed from the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. This method helps in detecting the degree of purity of the vagina, of which there are 4. Among them, 3rd and 4th degree indicates the presence of inflammation of the cervix after childbirth and the risk of erosion.

Also, tests are taken to identify diseases that are sexually transmitted. Among them - chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc. They are often the cause of erosion of the cervix.

The culture method of research is also used - sowing microflora taken from the vagina, in special nutrient media. The growth of a culture is assessed, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.

Treatment of erosion of the cervix after delivery

The goal of the treatment is to remove pathologically irregular tissue. The choice of method of treatment depends on the cause, stage of the disease, as well as on the size and structure of the affected area.

Today, there are several modern and low-traumatic methods for treating cervical erosion. This - cryotherapy (freezing liquid nitrogen), radio wave knife, laser therapy.

In particularly difficult situations, when there are discontinuities and improper fusion of tissues in the postpartum period, repeated surgical intervention is used. Sometimes after childbirth, erosion appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. In this case, in addition to gynecological procedures for treating a woman, hormone therapy is prescribed to correct the hormonal background. If erosion is caused by inflammatory processes in the uterus, additional antibiotic therapy is performed.

Complications of cervical erosion

Erosion per se does not pose a threat to the health of women. However, in the absence of treatment, active propagation of pathogenic bacteria - Candida, Chlamydia, Trichomania, etc., occurs in its environment. They freely penetrate into the uterus, epididymis and ovaries. As a result - infertility women.

The most dangerous complication of erosion is cervical cancer. This happens as a result of converting benign cells into malignant cells. More often cancer of the cervix in women is found only breast cancer. In most cases, cervical cancer after childbirth catches up with a woman if she has neglected treatment or not treated the erosion.

To avoid these complications, you must regularly visit a gynecologist, take all the necessary tests, if pathologies are found, treat them in a timely manner. But even if you are overtaken by cervical cancer, do not despair - at the initial stages of the disease can be cured. The main thing is to believe in success and remember that in this world there is at least one dependent on you living entity: your beloved kid, for whose sake you need to fight.