Cough syrup Linkas

Due to its natural composition, Linkas is becoming more popular. Natural components do not cause side effects, and the drug has virtually no contraindications. Linkas - cough syrup is endowed with anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and antimicrobial properties, soothes cough and eliminates spasms. The medicine is an excellent antitussive drug and is prescribed in the complex therapy of influenza, bronchitis , laryngitis, etc.

What kind of cough does Lindas syrup help?

The composition of the medicament includes a number of components that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and the body as a whole. The mixture has a mucolytic, antipyretic effect, the ability to eliminate spasms and swelling. Most of the elements present in the composition exert an expectorant effect, helping to reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate its departure.

Consider some of the most important:

  1. Adhata (vascular) is aimed at increasing expectoration, relieving spasms and eliminating cough.
  2. The action of licorice and pepper is directed to liquefaction, disinfection and normalization of the general condition due to the toning effect. In addition, licorice is endowed with an anti-allergenic property.
  3. Violet has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Kalgan destroys bacteria, preventing further infection.

However, by studying the instructions of Linkas and understanding what cough it is taken, it is worth paying attention to such elements as marshmallow and calgan, which help with wet coughing and increasing sputum discharge. A similar effect is given to zyzifus, but it still has a sedative and antimicrobial effect.

Use of cough medicine Linkas

The presence of a large number of useful properties allowed using the drug in combination with other medicines to activate the output of phlegm and eliminate dryness of the throat. Syrup is prescribed for:

To significantly accelerate recovery, begin to use in therapy, Linkas follows when the first signs are found, such as dryness and persecution in the goal.

The drug intake usually lasts a minimum of five days and in serious cases the course is prolonged to ten days. Adults and teenagers over the age of twelve Lincas from a dry cough drink up to four times a day for 10 milliliters (two teaspoons) at one time. The medicine should be consumed before meals (half an hour) or after it.

It is important to know that Linkas is dangerous to take with medications that depress cough. This will worsen sputum excretion and can provoke serious complications.

Contraindications to the use of cough medicine Linkas

Although the syrup includes exclusively herbal ingredients, it is still forbidden for some categories of patients to treat them.

In the first place, having intolerance of any components and patients with diabetes mellitus.

In addition, it is not recommended to include syrup during therapy during lactation, and it is prescribed to pregnant women only when the benefit for a woman is higher than the possible risks for fetal development.

Side effects are not common. The medicine is well tolerated by the sick. However, some patients may complain of a rash, itching and hives.

Since the syrup contains sugar, people who adhere to a low-calorie diet should consult a specialist before using.