Is it possible for the nursing mother to cherry?

As is known, during breastfeeding of the baby, the mother should strictly monitor her diet. That is why the question often arises as to whether it is possible for the nursing mother to have a red cherry. The thing is that, as a rule, berries and fruits of red color possess a great allergen, which can lead to the development of reaction in the child and the appearance of rashes. Let's try to answer this question, and we will dwell in detail on the beneficial properties of this berry.

What is useful for sweet nursing mothers?

The cherry contains many useful substances and microelements, vitamins. Among them it is necessary to distinguish: B1, B6, PP, C, K, calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus.

Thanks to this composition, eating cherries improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. In addition, potassium helps to improve the process of hematopoiesis, which is important for women who are expecting the birth of a baby.

Whether it is possible to eat nursing cherries?

Specialists in breastfeeding argue that this berry can be eaten by women whose children are breastfed. However, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

First, the child should be at least 2-3 months old. You need to start eating 1-2 berries. After eating the sweet cherry, a woman should closely monitor the reaction of a small organism. If there are no rashes, redness on the skin is not noted, the mother can safely eat the sweet cherry. Given the above age limit, doctors on the question of my mother as to whether it is possible to feed the cherry, when the child is only a month, respond negatively.

Secondly, there must be a measure in everything; the lack of allergies in the baby's cherry does not mean that a woman can eat it as long as she likes. On the day, doctors are recommended to eat 100-200 grams. It is better not to use them every day.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the color of berries, because often breastfeeding mothers, fearing allergies, ask about whether they can eat yellow cherry. In fact, there is no difference, because their composition is almost the same. Therefore, when choosing a variety, a woman can be guided by her own taste preferences. Much more important is the color of the cuttings, which in a ripe berry should be a saturated green color. Yellow color speaks about the unprivileged berries.

In which cases can the cherry be particularly useful?

Having dealt with the question of whether it is possible to eat cherries with a nursing mother, and how to use it properly, let's call situations when this berry can have a double benefit.

As you know, almost all young mothers after birth experience such a phenomenon as constipation. Cope with it will help cherries. In such cases it is enough to eat just a few berries on an empty stomach.

Peduncles of the sweet cherry have a diuretic effect. Therefore, with the development of edema, it is enough to make a decoction out of them, drain and take during the day.

With the development of colds, sore throats, cherries can also come to the rescue. The use of hot compote without sugar can eliminate soreness in the throat and perspiration.

Due to the content of iron in the berries, they can be successfully used as a preventive remedy for iron deficiency anemia.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, doctors ask whether the sweet cherries of the nursing mother can be answered positively. However, in this case, always pay attention first of all to the age of the crumbs and the rules for introducing berries into the diet. Compliance with medical recommendations will avoid the development of allergic reactions.