Prayer "Assistant in childbirth"

The process of childbirth with fear is waiting for any woman, even an experienced mother. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare for this in advance, starting with the planning stage of pregnancy. For someone, training consists in buying a dowry for a baby or attending special courses for caring for him. Others spend their time studying the words and meaning of the prayer "Assistant in childbirth", addressed to one or another holy face.

A woman preparing for childbirth should visit the church, take communion, confess and gain spiritual strength if she considers herself a Christian. After all, it is not always the doctors' predictions that guarantee a favorable outcome of pregnancy. That is why the holy prayer for help in childbirth remains relevant from the time when midwives were not even heard. It is difficult to believe, but miracles happen in our time, only not everyone believes in them. Quite a few cases, when the life of the mother or the child, if not both, depended on the prayer for successful birth. The pain was muffled, the bleeding ceased, the work of the baby's heart came to normal.

Prayer to the Theotokos "In the birth of a helper"

It is this saint who must send his first words about the help contained in prayer. She will hear you and help you. The Holy Virgin herself was able to give birth to God's son without pain, but she knows how hard it is for a female family. There are several options for praying to the Virgin during childbirth, each of which carries a special meaning. Having become acquainted with all of them, you can choose exactly the one that coincides with your fears and desires. For example, you can read this text:

"Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is born of birth and the nature of a mother and child, Have mercy on Your servant (name) and help in this hour, let your burden be safely. O most gracious Lady of the Theotokos, I did not ask for help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of yours, the help that is demanding, especially from You. Grant her those who are well in this hour, and the baby is to be born and brought into the light of this world in the time of need and clever light in holy water and spirit baptism. To You we fall, Mother of God the Most High, praying: wake be gracious to this mother, the time of the being of mother is come, and the Christ of our God, incarnate of Christ, who has been incarnated from Thee, may strengthen Him with His power from above. Amen . "

Prayer to the Mother of God "Assistant in childbirth" does not have to be universally accepted. The Virgin will hear the requests addressed to her even when they are formulated in the usual, mundane words. The main thing is that they are told by the heart and soul.

Prayer to Matron of Moscow

To ask for help for yourself and your unborn child is also possible with the blessed Matrona of Moscow. This saint is ranked among God's saints and has the opportunity to protect a woman before the eyes of the Lord. You can refer to it in the church language, which says a prayer about the birth of Matrona: "Oh blessed mother Matrono, soul in heaven before the throne of God are forthcoming, with the body on the ground resting, and given this grace above, various miracles emanate. Today, with your gracious eye, sinful, in sorrows, sickness and sinful temptations, Now you have mercy on us, desperate, heal our ailments, from God, by our sins, by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and fall from the very youth of our youth even to this day and hour by sin, and through your prayers receiving grace and great mercy, let us glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever and ever. Amen . " And you can just read the "Our Father" before the saint's face, every night before going to sleep or with the signs of an early resolution of the burden.

In fact, it is not so important how exactly your personal prayer will sound, helping with childbirth. The main thing is to clearly understand what you want, to represent it, to consistently formulate and express your thoughts, sending them to a particular holy woman.