Apnea in a dream

Apnea: Causes and Symptoms

The syndrome of nocturnal apnea is a regularly repeated state of temporary cessation of breathing in a sleeping person. Most often, its cause is relaxation of the muscles of the upper respiratory tract in a dream, so that they close, blocking the access of air to the lungs. From time to time there are almost all, this can contribute to certain sleep poses, fatigue, alcoholic intoxication, features of the central nervous system, etc. Outwardly this manifests itself in the form of sniffing, snoring and temporary cessation of breathing (sometimes such pauses can last up to 20-30 seconds). Most often, after a couple of seconds, breathing is restored by itself, a person wakes up or instinctively turns his head to one side, freeing the airways. But in severe cases, hypoxia of the brain can cause loss of consciousness and, in the absence of adequate and timely help, even cause death.

The main causes of apnea in children:

Symptoms of apnea:

Apnea in children

Depending on age, human breathing has noticeable differences:

Separate attention deserves consideration of apnea in newborns and children. The prevalence of apnea is so great that today few people pay attention to the snoring of a spouse, children or other relatives, not suspecting how dangerous apnea is, especially at an early age. And in fact apnea in newborns is the most common cause of sudden death syndrome of a child. If the baby does not breathe in a dream for at least 10-15 seconds, this already poses a serious threat to his life. Therefore, it is so important for parents to learn as much as possible about apnea, its causes and ways of manifestation, how to conduct prophylaxis and which doctor treats apnea, at what age children are most predisposed to the development of this syndrome, etc.

Especially often, apnea in children is observed at the age of two months to six months. The most dangerous period is from 3 to 6 am, when the parents are fast asleep and can not control the breath of the baby. Particular attention should be paid to the breathing of children born before the term - in such children the central nervous system is not sufficiently mature, so that the risk of developing various abnormalities in its work increases. For example, those born before the 34th week of pregnancy are not able to control breathing on their own, since the CNS is not sufficiently developed by this time. Such babies immediately after birth are placed in the incubation chambers, allowing to control the work of all body systems, and in the case of apnea syndrome, connect to the apparatus of artificial ventilation. By 38-42 a week from the conception of the central nervous system develops sufficiently and breathing, as a rule, is completely normalized.

Treatment of apnea with folk remedies

Prevention is the main method of treatment of apnea at home. Since breathing difficulties are more common in the common cold, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, etc., care should be taken to relieve the inflammation. With a cold, it is useful to dip into the nose twice a day, sea buckthorn oil or aloe juice, Kalanchoe, agave. This will relieve swelling and ease nasal breathing. To relieve the inflammation of the throat, rinses are used to decoction herbs, oil and iodine-soda solutions.

An excellent result is the performance of special exercises for the muscles of the larynx, reading aloud, singing.

Prophylaxis of apnea

The main preventive measures include:

  1. Sleep on the side.
  2. Orthopedic (or at least quite hard) mattress.
  3. Use a small pillow.
  4. A qualitative ventilation system in the bedroom, airing the bedroom before bed.

Alas, prevention only reduces the risk of apnea, but does not guarantee full protection of the child. Those who are at risk should use special instruments that control breathing and, in case of danger, give a signal.