Sinusitis in children

If the rhinitis worries your baby for more than two weeks, you should pay attention to it. Perhaps the child develops sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. But let's take care of everything in order.

Our breathing system is designed in such a way that the air we breathe before direct ingress into the lungs is warmed and humidified. This function in the body is performed by the nose, or, more precisely, by the nasal sinuses. They retain small dust particles and bacteria, working as a natural filter. But they have one feature: despite the large volume, they have a very narrow (up to 3 mm) hole that connects them to the nasal cavity. Because of this structure, these anastomoses very quickly close at the slightest edema of the mucous membrane. At the same time, the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is stopped, and ideal conditions for the development of infection form in them.

Causes of sinusitis

The most common cause is a runny nose, including allergic and vasomotor. Sometimes sinusitis occurs due to curvature of the nasal septum or adenoid patients.

Types of sinusitis

As we already understood from the above, sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. In humans, there are four kinds of sinuses, respectively, four possible forms of the disease:

Symptoms of sinusitis in children

If you find signs of sinusitis in the child, then immediately begin treatment. Chronic form of this disease is fraught with complications.

So, how to understand that a baby begins sinusitis, here is a list of signs:

All the symptoms have the property of intensifying when the body and head are tilted forward. If several of these symptoms occur, consult a doctor, he will put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

And how to cure sinusitis in a child?

For the treatment of sinusitis in children, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antibacterial drugs are used. But first of all, it is necessary to remove the edema of the anastomium so that the fluid can flow out from there naturally. For this, vasoconstrictive drops, such as naphthysine or sanorin, are used. Bury them in the middle nasal passage. To drop the drops where necessary, put the child in a horizontal position and tilt his head.

If treatment has not been started on time, children develop purulent sinusitis. He is treated with antibiotics, and most often in a hospital. There, a baby will be given a nose wash. Perhaps, they will resort to pumping pus with an electric pump. It's not as scary as it seems, we are all used to calling this procedure "cuckoo".

In especially severe cases, doctors perform a puncture of the sinusitis. For other sinuses this procedure is not available. Very often children are afraid of the very process of piercing. Despite the fact that the puncture is carried out under local anesthesia, it is quite painful. Therefore, do not waste time, but it is better to start treatment immediately and not bring to such a state.

If the sinusitis in the child has passed into a chronic form, it is much more difficult to treat it. To do this, apply special breathing exercises and massage , using which even at home you can cope with this disease ..