Angina in children - symptoms

Angina is an infectious disease associated with inflammation of the tonsils of the pharynx. In children, the incidence of angina is quite high, and pediatricians note that every 4 to 6 years there is a significant increase in the disease. The causative agent of angina is transmitted by airborne or by domestic route. Morbidity sharply increases in winter and in the off-season.

Symptoms of angina in children

The incubation period lasts from a few hours to a day or more. The first signs of angina in a child are acute: elevated body temperature, headache, difficulty swallowing and sore throat, mild fever. Often observed such signs of angina in children, as an increase in lymph nodes, redness of the face, rash, aches in the bones.

There are forms of angina:

Catarrhal angina

Pediatricians believe that catarrhal angina is a form of the disease that occurs most easily. Symptoms of catarrhal sinus in children are acute. In the throat, there is a feeling of dryness, burning, tonsils swell, and the palatal arches blush. The temperature rises slightly - up to 38 degrees. The disease lasts up to 5 days.

Lacunar angina

This form of angina in children is characterized by the appearance of a yellowish-whitish coating on the tonsils. The main symptoms of lacunar angina in children are associated with an increase in body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees, weakness, intoxication of the body. With this type of disease, complications are most often observed. The disease usually lasts 7 days, but with reduced immunity the process of recovery can be delayed.

Follicular sore throat

The main symptoms of follicular (purulent) angina in children are manifested visually in the form of purulent follicles that cover the mucosa of enlarged tonsils. The patient sharply raises the temperature to 38 - 39 degrees, there is a pain in the throat, giving into the ear. Sometimes there is obvious intoxication, manifested in the form of vomiting, loss of consciousness. After 2 - 3 days, the pustules are opened, the body temperature is normalized. Erosions, left after opening the follicles, heal fairly quickly. Recovery usually comes on the 7th day.


With improper treatment and reduced immunity, there is necrosis of the tonsils and purulent melting of the lymphatic tissues. Especially dangerous is the breakthrough of the abscess with the formation of a purulent cavity. A sick child has a very high temperature, a general intoxication, and a strong smell from the mouth is present.

Typical and atypical sore throats

The causative agent of angina is often streptococci. The defeat of the tonsils with microbes is considered a typical angina. Viruses, bacteria and fungi, which become pathogenic in certain conditions, are the root cause of atypical angina.

Fungal angina

Infants and early preschool children sometimes have fungal angina. The appearance of a white-yellow cheesy coating on tonsils and fever are characteristic signs of fungal angina in young children.

Viral (herpes) tonsillitis

Viral angina is extremely contagious, more prone to children of early and preschool age. Symptoms of viral angina in children are a sharp rise in temperature, nausea, headache, diarrhea, sore throat. Pain in the abdomen, muscle pains, abdominal cramps can also be observed. A distinctive symptom of herpes sore throat in children is a small-point rash.

The danger of viral sore throat is that it can be combined with serous meningitis , which at an early age can lead to death. In connection with the severity of the disease, you need to determine the herpes sore throat as early as possible, and start a full-fledged treatment in time.