Apricot jam for the winter - recipe

Apricot jam perfectly complements a cup of hot tea, or will become one of the main ingredients of sweet desserts and homemade cakes .

Having prepared a delicacy for the winter, you can enjoy its summer taste and aroma all year round, as well as replenish the supply of vitamins, which are so rich in apricot jam.

How to cook apricot jam for the winter?

There are a huge number of recipes for apricot jam, from the simplest to the most refined and original. It is brewed both from peeled and whole fruits or added for taste only nucleoli from ossicles.

Putting in fruits instead of seeds ossicles or nuts of walnuts, we will receive the present sweet culinary masterpiece.

The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the fruit and taste preferences, and the cooking time is determined by the recipe and the desired final consistency.

During cooking, the jam must be mixed regularly to avoid burning.

From our recipes, proposed below, you will learn more about the options and algorithm for preparing apricot jam for the winter.

Recipe for royal apricot jam with bones for the winter



Bones give to the jam with an incomparable almond flavor, but nobody wants to extract them from the fruit during the meal. Therefore, for the preparation of delicacies, we will use only the nucleoli located inside the bones, thereby retaining that same delicate taste and eliminating the problem of the rigid component. Of course, the process of preparing such a preparation is not quite simple, but believe me, the result is worth it.

So, we need at the same time ripe and elastic apricots, which we wash well and dry. Then, using a knitting needle or a pencil, we squeeze out the bones from the fruit. We do this carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the shell of the apricot. Now we need to split each bone and get the nucleolus. To do this, you can use a vice, pliers, a device for picking nuts or any other suitable device. We clean the nucleoli from the film and inject it back into the apricots.

From the water and sugar, cook the syrup and dip the fruits of apricot into it, making a puncture in several places with a toothpick. Let's boil on moderate fire for five minutes, and turn off the stove. Leave to insist for twelve hours, and then reheat and boil for five minutes. Repeat the process until the desired density and consistency. Then we spread hot jam on sterile jars, cap them, cool them at room temperature, turn them upside down and determine for storage.

You can if you want to make this jam with almonds or walnuts, replacing them with apricot kernels, thereby simplifying the cooking process. The taste of such a preparation is no less interesting and original.

Apricot jam with gelatin for the winter



Apricots are washed and discarded. Sugar sand is mixed with gelatin and pour mixture of halved apricots, laying them in an enameled container. Leave the fruit for ten to twelve hours at room temperature.

At the end of the time we put the dishes with jam on the fire, pour in the water and warm it over low heat to a boil, stirring and taking off the foam. We boil five minutes, then we pour on sterile jars, we seal with lids and let it cool down, turning the bottom upside down.