Hamsters - care and content

A small hamster in the house is fun not only for children, but also for adults. To this tiny creature pleased you, you need to provide him with the proper care and maintenance.

The period of wakefulness in hamsters, unlike people, comes in the evening, and in the afternoon they rest. This cute animal needs to be equipped with both a place for sleeping and a space for movement, providing them with an optimal temperature regime, which varies between 21-25 ° C.

No matter how much you want to place several animals in one cage, it is better to abandon this venture, since hamsters are only friends at a distance, and the constant presence of a number of similar ones causes them stress and even aggression.

For a comfortable sleep in the bedroom, you can put the pulp. Since hamsters tighten the remnants of food there, the rest zone needs to be checked all the time. Experienced lovers of hamsters do not recommend using cotton wool as a litter to avoid problems.

To prevent your friend from escaping, the cage must be strong with a lying horizontal wire. This will give him the opportunity to move more.

Care for hamsters jungariki

Dzungar hamsters breed very well, however they are more demanding in care than Syrian hamsters . Djungariks are more mobile than their kin, so they need more space. All kinds of tunnels, stairs and necessarily a wheel - without this set of hamster will be very boring. You also have to buy a bowl for food and separately for sand, a drinking bowl, a house, a special stone so that the hamster can grind its teeth and, of course, filler. Fortunately, the choice of the latter in stores is very large, many use filler for cats.

Cage with your pet should not be placed under direct sunlight, but also near the battery and TV. Clean in the cage better twice a week with a specific smell. Less common cleaning.

For domestic maintenance of hamsters, special feeds are offered to stores. Supplement the food with vegetables, fruits, lettuce leaves and other herbs. Since dzhungar hamsters are predisposed to diabetes, you need to be careful with products rich in monosaccharides (the same fruits and vegetables). Once a week, a pet can get a small portion of raw meat.

Despite the fact that the Dzungariki drink little water, in the cage its presence is mandatory. Decorative hamsters bring their owners a lot of pleasant minutes and caring for them is not at all a burden.

Syrian hamsters - care

For this species of rodents, the optimal size of the cell is 40 × 60 cm. Otherwise, the rules differ little from the care of the jungar, except that the Syrian hamster tends to be obese, so you need to take this into account when organizing food and grooming. Sometimes you can let your kid run around the house, but be sure to look after him so that he does not get caught in some kind of binding.

A house, a trough and other items that must be in the cage, pick up based on the size of your pet. Now there are homes for sale, equipped with everything necessary for a normal full life of small pets, including multi-tiered.

Syrian hamsters are usually fed twice a day in the evening and in the morning. For grain mixtures, they are recommended, like jungariks, to add apples and pears, carrots, pumpkins and zucchini, persimmon and other vegetables and fruits. Pregnant females in the diet include foods rich in protein: skim curd, boiled chicken, boiled egg yolk.

All hamsters, if care and maintenance behind them at the highest level, live longer than their middle age.