Pickled boletus - recipe

Experienced mushroom pickers know all the subtleties of marinating mushrooms firsthand, and dozens of times applying them in practice. But for beginners in this matter more difficult. After all, it is necessary not only to properly collect the gifts of the forest, but also to process them. This will help our recipes for the preparation of pickled boletus, which will also suit for pickling other tubular mushrooms, such as pimples, butter mushrooms, mosses and, of course, white mushrooms.

Pickled boletus - a simple recipe for winter without sterilization with vinegar



Podisynoviki for pickling should be freshly picked. They need to be sorted, rinsed thoroughly and boiled in clean water with the addition of a small amount of salt for fifteen minutes. Next, merge the mushrooms on a sieve and leave to drain and cool down.

During this time we cook marinade from water, salt, granulated sugar, adding also laurel leaves, pepper peas, carnation buds, chopped garlic teeth and put prepared boiled mushrooms into it. We give the workpiece to boil again, we stand on fire for twenty minutes, after which we lay out the boletus on sterile and dry jars. In the marinade pour in the vinegar and pour the resulting mixture of mushrooms. We seal the lids, turn the jars upside down and wrap them with a blanket, rug or coat for slow cooling of the billet and its self-sterilization.

How to pickle mushrooms boletus in cans for the winter - a simple recipe


Seasoning on one jar 800 ml:

For brine:


According to this recipe, the mushrooms are moderately spicy, do not give off with vinegar and have just a great taste, which when served is only a little supplemented with a green onion cut into garlic and vegetable without flavor oil.

To implement the recipe, the boletus we sort out, picking only fresh and quality specimens, rinsing them thoroughly and cutting them into beautiful, approximately equal-sized pieces, if necessary. Scraps and waste can be packaged portion by package, frozen and used later for soup making.

Now we make brine from water and salt, and pour lavender, clove buds, peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns and dill umbrella with pouring boiling water, which after a few seconds drain, and the components are laid out on prepared clean glass containers.

We put the cooked boletus into a saucepan and fill it with a prepared brine for one third. We let the contents boil, cook for five minutes and after that we pack the mushrooms on the prepared vessels with seasonings. Fill after this pritrambovannye a little bit of boletus strained brine, we cover cans with lids and we have in a vessel with boiling water for twenty minutes. Time is counted from the moment of repeated boiling. Now in each jar we pour a pinch of ground cinnamon and pour 9% vinegar on one dessert spoon. We seal the containers, let the workpiece cool down and send it to a cool darkened place for storage.