Test for ovulation - how to use?

Married couples who do not manage to conceive a child for a long time offer various examinations to find out the cause of infertility . One of the necessary and most simple methods of diagnosis is the test for ovulation. After all, an obligatory condition for the onset of pregnancy is the presence of a matured full-fledged ovum, ready for fertilization. Therefore, we will understand in detail what the test for ovulation is and how to use it.

Tests for the definition of ovulation - varieties, instructions

Tests for ovulation are very similar to tests for determining pregnancy, both in appearance and in use. For example, test strips for determining ovulation are similar to those for determining pregnancy. The strip with the indicator should be placed in a container filled with morning urine, so that the indicator is completely immersed in the liquid. The presence of two strips suggests that ovulation has come and the probability of conception on this day is the maximum. It should be said that it is the least accurate and often the results of this ovulation test are untrue.

Test cassettes or test-plates are more reliable, but also more expensive than test strips. And how to apply test-plates to ovulation? It is enough to substitute it under a stream of urine and wait for 3-5 minutes, then in the window there will be a result (one or two strips).

The inkjet test is the most accurate test for ovulation from all that exists to date. You can either put it in a bowl with urine or substitute it under a stream of urine and after 3-5 minutes evaluate the result.

A reusable digital test for ovulation resembles the principle of the glucometer (a device that measures the level of sugar in the blood). In the kit there is an apparatus and a set of test strips. After dipping the test strip into the urine, it is inserted into the device and it gives an immediate result.

The most complex and accurate tests are those that examine the woman's saliva. How to use this test for ovulation is described in detail in the instructions: a small amount of saliva should be put on a transparent lens and placed in a special sensor. The result is determined by the nature of the pattern on the lens.

The test for ovulation is negative - what are the causes?

If the ovulation test does not show ovulation (negative), it can be in two cases:

There are a number of clinical signs that can confirm the absence of ovulation:

How to test for ovulation?

To determine when to start the test for ovulation, you need to know what a certain woman's duration of the menstrual cycle. If she 28 days, then the test should be carried out from 11-12 days of the cycle (from 1 day from the beginning of menstruation), and if 32 - then from 15 days. Ideally, ultrasound can help determine the day of testing, which will help to see the maturing dominant follicle .

Thus, after considering the procedure for determining ovulation with a test, it can be recommended for home use together with baseline temperature measurement, as well as with laboratory and instrumental methods. After receiving negative test results for ovulation for three cycles, you should contact an experienced specialist for further examination and treatment.