The goddess of beauty - the names of goddesses of love and beauty in various mythologies

Everyone knows the saying that beauty can save the world. Perhaps it is a little exaggerated, but thanks to the beautiful one wants to live, create and love. At all times, real beauty was worshiped and even deified. It is known that in the mythologies of different cultures there is a goddess of beauty.

Goddess of Beauty in Mythology

By right of the most famous is the Greek goddess of beauty Aphrodite . However, the names of goddesses of beauty are popular in other cultures:

  1. Lada is a Slavic goddess of beauty. Young couples brought her flowers, honey, berries and live birds as a gift.
  2. Freya is a Scandinavian goddess of beauty. She was so loved that they even dedicated one of the days of the week - Friday.
  3. Ein - the Irish goddess was portrayed as a gentle, fragile and very beautiful woman.
  4. Hathor - the Egyptian goddess of love and beauty was very fond of holidays and fun. For this reason she was always portrayed with musical instruments. The inhabitants of Egypt were sure that an amulet with a picture of a sisra on the neck could protect from troubles. She was supportive of young couples and protected their family hearth.

Goddess of Beauty and Love in Ancient Greece

Aphrodite . What goddess of beauty in Greek mythology is known if not to everyone, then to many. Aphrodite is one of the great Olympic gods. She is not only the goddess of beauty and love, but also the patroness of fertility, eternal spring and life. In addition, she is called the goddess of marriages and births. Aphrodite had a love power not only over people, but even over gods. Only Artemis and Hestia were immune to her. But to all those who rejected love, it was truly ruthless.

The Greek goddess was pleased to inspire love feelings to everyone and she often fell in love and changed her ugly husband Hephaestus. The most important attribute of the goddess's garment was her belt, which consisted of love, desire, words of seduction. Such a thing could make everyone in love with his mistress. He was sometimes borrowed from the goddess Hera, dreaming of fomenting fervent passion and at the same time weaken the will of her husband.

The Roman goddess of beauty

Venus . In ancient Rome, Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. Initially, she patronized:

After a while her functions became wider and she began to be called the guardian of female beauty. The goddess of love and beauty is the embodiment of female chastity and the patroness of love, physical attraction. Venus is very beautiful and charming. Often she was portrayed as a beautiful young girl without clothes. Sometimes on her hips there was a light fabric cloth, which later was called the "belt of Venus".

The life of the Roman goddess seemed to the simple man a real paradise. She herself is calm and reasonable, but at the same time playful and a bit frivolous. The symbols of Venus are the hare, pigeon, poppy, rose and myrtle. And in the modern world, the rose symbolizes:

Goddess of Beauty with the Slavs

Lada . In the mythology of the Slavs, Lada is the goddess of love and beauty . On September 22 our ancestors dedicated this goddess. She was considered a patroness of home comfort and family happiness. To her often turned young girls with a request to help meet their soul mate. Married women asked for stability and happiness. Slavic women were sure that Lada can give women of beauty and beauty.

To celebrate the day of the goddess of beauty, it was customary to bake bread in the form of cranes. However, it should only be used as a powerful amulet. The Slavs always depicted their goddess of beauty in the form of a young woman with green hair. The unusual color of the hair indicated its unity with nature. Apparel of the goddess from different plants, and around always flied multicolored butterflies. Our ancestors described her as cheerful and filled with warmth and love all.

Goddess of Beauty in Egypt

Bastet . The Egyptians had their own goddess of beauty - Bastet . She was the personification of light, joy, rich harvest, love and beauty. In addition, it was often referred to as the mother of cats and the keeper of the home, coziness and family well-being. In the Egyptian myths, her image was described in different ways: something graceful and affectionate, then vindictive and aggressive. What was it really like? Ancient legends tell about the fact that she is the daughter of Ra and Isis, Light and Darkness.

For this reason, her image was often associated with the changes of day and night. In ancient Egypt, the goddess appeared in the heyday of the Middle Kingdom, when the main problem was the mouse. Then the cats began to be especially cherished and honored. In the house, the cat was real wealth and value. In those days, among the Egyptian gods appeared a figure of a female cat.

Scandinavian goddess of beauty

Freya . Not everyone knows the name of the goddess of beauty in Scandinavian culture. She has two names - Freya and Vanadis. She is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. In Scandinavian sources, she is referred to baths and is considered the daughter of Njord and the goddess Norsus. They say that it is the most beautiful in the universe, both among the gods, and among the people. She is very kind and has a soft heart that is filled with love and compassion for every person.

When the goddess cries, golden tears drip from her eyes. However, at the same time Freya is a formidable warrior and leader of the Valkyries. This unusual goddess has an amazing falcon plumage. As soon as she puts it on, she immediately starts flying over the clouds. Interestingly, the ancient Germans dedicated the goddess of beauty one of the days of the week - Friday.

Indian goddess of beauty

Lakshmi . For the inhabitants of India, the goddess of beauty is Lakshmi . In addition, it is called the patroness of abundance, prosperity, wealth, luck and happiness. She embodies grace, beauty and charm. The people believed that her fans would certainly be protected from misery and poverty. In one of the directions of Vaisnavism, she is not only the goddess of prosperity, but also the loving mother of the universe. Lakshmi is ready to help every living being who asks her for help.

Armenian beauty goddess

Astghik . Often those interested in mythology are asked what the name of the goddess of love and beauty in Armenia was. The inhabitants of this country have their own goddess - Astghik. She is the beloved of the god of thunder and lightning of Vahagn. According to the legend, after their love meetings it was always raining. She is considered to be the patroness of girls, as well as pregnant women. The cult of the goddess was associated with the irrigation of gardens and fields. According to the legends Astghik could turn into a fish. The well-preserved stone fish-shaped statues are objects of the Astghik cult.

Japanese Beauty Goddess

Amaterasu . Its goddess of female beauty was also among the Japanese. Amaterasu in Japanese mythology is the patroness of beauty, love and the main heavenly luminary - the sun. Her full name is Amaterasu-o-mi-kami, which translates as "majestic, which makes heaven shine." They say about her that she was born out of drops of water, which one of the gods washed himself after returning from the land of the dead. The solar goddess appeared from his left eye.