Quick pickled eggplants with garlic and greens

The only drawback of marinating is the duration of the process itself and for this purpose we specially prepared for you variations of fast marinated aubergines with garlic and greens, which are easy to repeat with your own hands.

Recipe for pickled eggplants with herbs and garlic

This basic recipe for eggplant billet consists of a mixture of eggplants with the available ingredients: sweet onions, peppers, plenty of garlic and greens, and a mixture of vinegar with butter and spices acts as a marinade.



  1. The process should be started in 24 hours. Purified eggplants are cut into plates and quickly boiled in salted boiling water.
  2. Onion and pepper are divided into half rings. Chilled eggplants are diced and mixed with vegetables. There are sent garlic and greens.
  3. The resulting vegetable mixture is spread over cans and poured with marinade from vinegar, oil, sugar and salt.
  4. The billet is left to be marinated for a day, and cooled before use.

Eggplants marinated with carrots, garlic and greens

Lovers of pickled carrots can combine the preparation of eggplants with the preparation of their favorite pickled vegetable. At the output you will get a light and aromatic appetizer, which can advantageously complement the assortment of winter pickles on your table.



  1. Pieces of aubergines mix with a quarter cup of salt and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Squeeze out the moisture well and place pieces of eggplant and carrots in a boiling solution of water and vinegar.
  3. Blanch vegetables a couple of minutes, put in a colander and leave under the press for up to half a day.
  4. Combine the oil with oregano leaves and parsley and garlic.
  5. Fill the workpiece with fragrant oil and store in coolness.

Marinated aubergines stuffed with herbs and garlic



  1. In the aubergines, make a deep longitudinal incision resembling a pocket.
  2. Place the eggplant in boiling water and leave to boil for 5-7 minutes, then leave the vegetables under the press before cooling to remove all bitterness.
  3. Chop herbs along with hot peppers and garlic.
  4. Fill a fragrant mixture of "pockets" in the eggplant, fasten them with skewers.
  5. Place eggplants in plastic or glass containers, and then pour marinade of vinegar, sugar, laurel, salt and water.
  6. Leave the pickled eggplants with garlic and herbs at room temperature for 3 days, and then take the sample.

Marinated aubergines with garlic, onions and greens



  1. Young, not bitter aubergines, divide in half and make diagonal incisions in the pulp.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients from the list together, first rubbing the garlic and ginger.
  3. Spread the marinade over the eggplants, leave for 45 minutes, and then cook at maximum power in a microwave oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Serve the appetizer warm.