How not to become a victim of crime?

Now is the time that it is terrible to live. You walk down the street and do not know what awaits you around the corner. And suddenly they will rob, rape? .. The saddest thing is that the fears are by no means groundless. Look only around how many different crimes are happening, and so do not want to be in the victim's place.

How to protect yourself and not become a victim of a criminal?

Experts believe that the criminal is seven seconds long enough to recognize the future victim of his crime in the crowd. More often than not, it is a mentally depressed person with a hesitant gait, a tired person, that is, one who is not capable of exerting any resistance. It should be noted that there are two main types of people who most often fall into unpleasant situations and become victims of a crime:

  1. The first type of potential victim is that of timid and weak people. This type of people perceive danger as something inevitable, they are psychologically ready for violence to some extent. They can not rebuff, on the contrary, they are absolutely helpless and helpless.
  2. The second type of victim should include people who are prone to provocation, they are their own, often unconscious, behavior, provoke criminals to conflicts, attracts their attention to their person.

How not to become a victim of pickpockets, scams, robbery, fraud?

  1. It's worth to be always on check: in transport, on the street, in the store, at the post office, in the library - anywhere, even at home! Everywhere can expect a danger. This does not mean that you should, like a paranoid, be afraid of everything around and avoid everything in the world, no. Live your usual life, but be careful, especially in public places.
  2. At night you should not walk on a dark street in your headphones or talk loudly on your cell phone, do not provoke criminals, be vigilant.
  3. If you have to travel late in public transport - sit closer to the driver. If some dubious passenger enters the transport - do not react to it, do not notice, do not turn around.
  4. If on the street with you trying to speak dubious people, or even decent looking at first glance, do not look them in the eyes, do not let yourself talk.
  5. Do yourself a spare purse, with a small amount, which could easily be given away in a robbery.

How not to become a victim of rape and violence?

  1. If you know that you will have to go home in the dark, do not wear defiant clothing, short skirts, deep decollete, do not wear all the jewelry that you have.
  2. In the dark, do not go through dark alleys, parks, lanes, prefer lighted and more or less crowded areas.
  3. You need to know the terrain, and where the police are, this is your so-called security zone.
  4. If you need to go in a car with a driver that you do not know, give a defiant look at the car number, call your relatives and tell them.
  5. If you have to go through the dark transition in the dark, it's better to walk in a crowd of people, if there are no people, go along the carriageway.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but following such simple recommendations, you will have at least a little to protect yourself from criminal assault. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!