Nemeti hands at night - the reasons

Sleep accounts for a large part of a person's life - the body rests, emotional and physical health is restored. When the nervous system is in order, the sleep is strong and lasting. But many people encounter a situation when their hands grow numb at night, and the reasons for this may be different. The problem is a mild pain, and when you try to move a limb, it intensifies. After a while, all the symptoms go away.

Why do people get numb sometimes at night?

Wearing hands at night is very irritating. Because of the pain people can not work properly and during the day feel disgusting. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  1. The simplest option - a man for a long time slept in an uncomfortable position or in close clothes.
  2. Numbness of the hands is also affected by people who during the day are often forced to lift their limbs above the level of the heart.
  3. Another reason for poor sleep is an inappropriate pillow, because of which the neck at night assumes an uncomfortable position and becomes numb. This occurs against a background of blood supply disorders. Blood flow slows down, and nutrients can not reach the fingertips and brushes. Which causes uncomfortable sensations.

Because of what the right and left arm grow numb?

If the left arm is numb at night, the main reason for this may be problems with the cardiovascular system. With them in the near future it is desirable to seek help from a cardiologist. Light tingling and pain, appearing in the afternoon, can be considered as an alarm signal. Such symptoms can indicate serious problems with the heart and indicate a pre-infarct condition . In addition, they are harbingers and less dangerous micro stroke and stroke.

The cause of numbness of the right arm at night can be carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis or an early stroke.

Frequent causes of numbness in the arms at night

If both hands become numb at night, this indicates abnormalities in the central nervous system. Often the cause of numbness is cervical osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome or impaired blood circulation:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis. Numbness occurs when the roots of the nerves in the spinal cord responsible for the upper limbs are pinched and blood begins to flow worse in them. In this case there are pains in the neck, a crunch and from time to time there is weakness in the hands.
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tunnel - medium - the nerve is clamped between the bones and tendons of the wrist. It is for these reasons that fingers grow numb at night. The ailment often appears in people who, due to the characteristics of their profession, are forced to move their wrists in the same way: from drummers, programmers, artists.
  3. Prolonged circulatory disturbance. The problem appears on the background of other diseases: diabetes, anemia, hypertension or ischemia of the heart. In this case, the work of the heart is disrupted, because of which the blood begins to flow into the veins in an insufficient amount, which leads to a loss of the elasticity of the vessels. The glucose, which increases with ailments, affects the walls of the blood streams, and does not allow them to function normally. Because of this, inflammatory and degenerative nerve changes, hypovitaminosis B occurs.

What to do?

Many people do not understand why their hands are numb at night, and they try not to pay any attention to the problem. But just do not brush it off. To avoid negative consequences, you must first change your lifestyle, choose another pillow and clothes for sleep. If this does not help, you need to undergo examinations that accurately show the cause of the ailment, as a result of which it will be possible to determine to which specialist to go for a consultation.