Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - what is it?

Lungs in normal body work play out almost the most important role. All diseases of this organ or changes occurring in it require increased attention. About what it is - pneumofibrosis of the lungs, it will not hurt to know even completely healthy people. This problem can affect everyone. But if you are warned about it in advance, you will not be difficult to resist her.

Causes of pulmonary pneumofibrosis

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is diagnosed in the case when the healthy lung tissue gradually begins to be replaced by a connective one. This problem makes the lungs less elastic, which causes a violation of gas exchange function in the affected area of ​​the organ.

Growing connective tissue can mainly due to dystrophic and inflammatory processes. Often, pulmonary pneumofibrosis becomes a consequence of such diseases of an invasive and infectious nature:

Calling pneumofibrosis is also effective for hereditary lung diseases.

People who work in aggressive conditions, constantly in contact with dust and toxic, poisoning organism, gases exposed to occasional irradiation with ionizing radiation and industrial radiation are exposed to the problem. In some cases, the disease becomes a consequence of the use of heavy toxic drugs.

To encourage you to learn about pneumofibrosis of the lungs, and that this illness is itself, other factors may also be involved:

Types of the disease

It is accepted to distinguish two main types of pulmonary pneumofibrosis - diffuse and focal. When local (aka - focal) variant of the disease thickens a separate area of ​​the lung tissue, which leads to a decrease in the volume of the affected lung. Local pneumofibrosis of gas exchange functions and mechanical properties of organs does not violate. In contrast to diffuse, in which the lungs cease to be normally ventilated. This form of the disease is considered more difficult also because the affected organ becomes dense, decreases in volume, its structure changes at the same time.

There are other varieties of the disease - basal, linear, basal pneumofibrosis of the lungs, for example. The basal form of the disease affects mainly the lower parts of the lungs. Linear pneumofibrosis is manifested by scars. And the radical, as it is easy to guess from the name, is based on the roots of the lungs.

Signs, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary pneumofibrosis

Recognize pneumofibrosis without careful examination is quite difficult. To register for the examination should be, noting such signs:

Most surely to show that it is a linear, basal, basal or other type of pneumofibrosis, X-rays can organs of the thorax. This examination will help to detect even the smallest changes in the lungs and distinguish them from tumors. Many specialists, in order to exclude all possible errors, apply for additional help to computer examinations, tomography.

Unfortunately, the only effective method of treatment of pneumofibrosis has not yet been developed. Often the disease does not manifest itself at all, the patient does not even know about it, and, consequently, does not accept any treatment. Therefore, the prognosis of pneumofibrosis of the lungs depends on the course of the disease. The same patients who are aware of their diagnosis, can take anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs, undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures that contribute to the recovery of the lungs.