Injections in the stomach for weight loss

Nicotinic acid should not be confused with nicotine in a pack of cigarettes. Of course, smoking is also a sure way to lose weight, but now we are talking about the property of another nicotine - nicotinic acid, a vitamin preparation that is also called PP or B3.

Nicotinic acid affects the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, accelerating metabolism , and also positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain.

This vitamin can be used orally, in the form of tablets, you can draw with might and main from food, and you can do injections with nicotinic acid in the stomach for weight loss. It is the latter option and consider.

Indication for nicotine injections

The injections in the abdomen for weight loss with the content of nicotine should be prescribed by the doctor, since it is not about losing weight by summer or wedding, but about the serious dosage of the drug. Remember the golden rule of healers - the benefit of the medicine must exceed the harm it causes.

Indications for injections with PP:

In addition, injections in the abdomen with PP are prescribed and for liquefaction of blood for trophic ulcers and varicose veins. Thus, nicotinic acid enhances the flow of blood, promotes its liquefaction and prevents the formation of blood clots.

With regard to injections with vitamin PP for burning fat on the stomach and the whole body, they are used only for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, thrombi, and any other diseases in which accumulation of fatty masses bordering deadly danger occurs.

The effect of losing weight from nicotinic acid is to accelerate all metabolic processes. This is a very good tool if applied in minimal doses - from natural products:

Slugs for weight loss

But not only nicotinic acid helps to reduce weight. About any injections in the belly for weight loss will tell any actively losing weight girl, because this is called mesotherapy.

The principle of the procedure is simple - a needle is inserted to a depth of 1.5 mm, and various active substances enter the subcutaneous layer of fat - L-carnitine , artichoke extracts, lecithin, pentoxifylline. They have the ability to burn fat without a chance to survive, to get rid of cellulite, to tighten the skin.