Citramon from headache

The drug Citramon has been known for several decades as a universal anesthetic. Previously, its active ingredients were: phenacetin, aspirin, caffeine. Today, the traditional version is not produced, and the composition of the drug has changed somewhat - instead of phenacetin, paracetamol is added to it.

The most effective is Citramon against headache, but, thanks to the improvement of the medicine, it is prescribed for the removal of inflammatory processes in muscles, joints and bones, from algodismorrhoea, febrile syndrome.

Does Citramone help with a headache?

The described pharmacological drug is able to alleviate pain syndrome, but only mild and moderate manifestations. Intensive attacks of pulsating, compressing, pricking and other pain Citramon can not eliminate.

An analgesic is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of migraine. It is worth noting that in this case Citramon helps only at the very beginning of the development of pain or at the first signs of aura. These pills do not stop the acute migraine attack.

How does Citramone work with a headache?

At the heart of the presented drug are 3 active components:

  1. Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. The compound produces an antipyretic effect, and also relieves the pain syndrome, provoked by the inflammatory process. Additionally, aspirin improves blood microcirculation and prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  2. Paracetamol. The ingredient directly affects the centers of thermoregulation of the body in the hypothalamus, reduces the production of prostaglandins. Due to this, a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect is achieved.
  3. Caffeine. In a low dosage, this component normalizes the blood flow and increases the tone of the cerebral vessels, thereby enhancing the effect of using the two compounds described above.

The effect of Citramon in headache is due to a combination of the ingredients considered. Receiving the pill can simultaneously stop inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, improve blood supply to brain tissues and oxygen supply to them, reduce blood viscosity and the number of platelets, increase efficiency, mental and physical activity.

Whether it is possible to drink Citramonum at headaches and the raised or increased pressure?

Given the content of caffeine in the medicine, people with arterial hypertension are afraid of taking it because of the risk of even greater pressure. However, the concentration of this component is extremely low (30 mg), which does not allow it to exert a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Accordingly, Citramon is allowed to use even hypertensive patients at the time of increased blood pressure.

The only exception is portal hypertension . With this diagnosis, the combined analgesic drug is contraindicated.

Is Citramone harmful when it is used often for a headache?

Like any other analgesic, Citramone is undesirable to take a long time or abuse it. Otherwise, a number of negative side effects, often irreversible, often arise. Among them the following pathologies are most common: