Cleansing the lungs after smoking

The decision to stop smoking is an important step towards the beginning of a new, healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, far from immediately after giving up tobacco, the body is cleansed of all accumulated poisons, this takes months and years, depending on the length of time of addiction. According to the research, tobacco tar causes not only irritation of lung tissue, the development of inflammatory processes in them, but also accumulate on the internal mucosa walls of the alveoli. Despite the fact that even after long-term smoking the body is able to self-repair when refusing cigarettes, it is recommended to cleanse the lungs after smoking, which will allow to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system as soon as possible.

Methods of cleaning the lungs after smoking at home

Organization of a healthy space

To cleanse your lungs after quitting, you need to provide them with the most pure, oxygen-filled air. For this home and workplace it is recommended:

  1. Regularly ventilate the room, arranging a draft.
  2. Observe the humidity in the room (should be at least 40-50%).
  3. Refuse dry cleaning methods, and carry out wet cleaning 1-2 times a day.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is a complex of exercises aimed at increasing the flow of blood to the tissues of the lungs, activating their work, improving ventilation, thereby also cleaning the respiratory system of accumulated harmful substances. In addition, breathing exercises will have a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole. You can use the popular directions of respiratory gymnastics - the techniques of Strelnikova , Buteyko, Frolov, as well as breathing exercises of yogis. Simple, but effective is even the inflating of balloons.

Herbal Inhalation

For cleansing and restoring the lungs after smoking, inhalations with herbal decoctions are effective, which help to reduce sputum and remove it from the respiratory tract along with tobacco resins, as well as to remove inflammation. In this case, the effective use of the following plants:

To prepare the decoction for inhalation, the listed ingredients can be used either separately or in various combinations. Steam inhalations should be conducted on a daily two-week course, then take a break for a month and repeat the course.