ARVI - symptoms, varieties, causes and treatment of diseases

Diseases affecting the respiratory system and transmitted by airborne droplets from person to person are combined into a common group of SARS, the symptoms of which may vary, but proceed in several stages. Preceded by a short incubation period. Clinical manifestations are similar, although they have a different degree of severity and each person is transferred in different ways.

What is ARVI?

To a group of diseases, the causative agents of which are DNA and RNA-containing viruses, include more than 200 pathologies. They are united by a common name: acute respiratory viral infection (as the generally accepted term is deciphered). These are the most common diseases in people of all ages. It is easy to get infected, flashes are observed all year round, but a particularly dangerous period is autumn-winter.

The causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections

Respiratory diseases cause unicellular living organisms prokaryotes: bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasmas. Penetrating the cells of the epithelium, they begin to destroy them. Most of the pathogens contain ribonucleic acid, without DNA, and all genetic information is encoded in RNA. Different kinds and families of viruses provoke ARVI, the disease can cause such types of viruses as:

Distribution of acute respiratory viral infections

If you do not comply with quarantine and preventive measures, the incidence of ARVI can reach 30% or more. By frequency, they surpass all other diseases on the planet and are highly contagious. Infection is transmitted through the air: when coughing, sneezing, talking, releasing small particles of saliva and mucus (for example, when crying). Also, the virus can enter the body through dirty hands, food, household items. The stronger the immune system, the less susceptibility: if infection occurs, the person will recover in mild form.

Acute respiratory viral infection - symptoms

For adults and children, ARVI-symptoms are the same. Catarrhal diseases begin with a slight malaise, perspiration, dryness and sore throat , and fever. Other common signs of acute respiratory viral infection in the first stage:

Subsequently, such characteristic signs as aches in the joints, headache, chills, increased pain in the throat, etc. are added. Depending on the susceptibility of the person to the virus and the type of infections, the signs may differ. These are characteristics such as the onset of the disease, further development, concomitant catarrhal phenomena (edema, runny nose, cough, etc.). Diagnosis of the pathological condition is performed by a doctor and prescribes appropriate drug therapy to remove the underlying symptoms.

Adenovirus infection - symptoms

Sometimes viral infections are accompanied by a high fever (from 37.5-38 degrees), which jumps sharply, informing about the infection, and lasts for several days - from 4 to 10. So an adenovirus manifests itself, the symptoms of which in addition to the elevated temperature:

Respiratory Syncytial Infection - Symptoms

An acute disease of a viral nature, a respiratory syncytial infection, always affects the lower respiratory tract. The virus multiplies in the respiratory tract, hence its name. The main feature of PC-infection is that if you do not receive proper treatment, it is possible to develop bronchitis or pneumonia. In the course of the development of the disease, they manifest themselves more and more. This type of SARS is indicated by the symptoms:

Rhinovirus infection - symptoms

The causative agent of this pathology is a small, non-enveloped virus. It is weakly resistant to external factors, but it multiplies easily in a humid cold environment, so the peak incidence falls on autumn, winter, early spring. Rhinovirus infection affects the nasal mucosa. The mucous fluid begins to separate, then thickens. Symptoms are as follows:

How much does the temperature last for ARVI?

Once the virus has entered the body, a protective reaction is triggered. The overall temperature in ARVI increases, resisting infection, usually, a couple of degrees - is kept within 37 oC. But fever can increase, the indicators jump to 39-40 ° C. Everything depends on the strength of immunity, the age of the patient (the temperature is higher in children), the type of virus. Some strains of fever do not cause. When the course of the disease is normal, with ARVI the temperature lasts 2-3 days. In some cases longer:

  1. An average of 5 days with the flu.
  2. 7 days with adenovirus.
  3. Up to 14 days with parainfluenza.

Pain in ARVI

Viral infections affect the respiratory tract, but the symptoms can manifest differently, causing unpleasant and painful sensations, aches in the joints. Often dizzy and sore head in ARVI, this is due to increased blood pressure and general intoxication of the body. The pain intensifies after an active barking, the tilting of the head. If the illness passes calmly, bed rest is enough to remove unpleasant symptoms. With fever and severe intoxication, more serious measures are needed: washing the nose, cold lotion, massage of the temples.

What to do with ARVI?

Acute respiratory viral infection is a common phenomenon, but it is important to start therapy in time, eliminating its symptoms and consequences, so as not to cause complications. The common opinion that every cold passes by itself in a week is incorrect, the infection can affect other organs. Therefore, the virus must be under control. Influencing the cause of infection, a person helps the body cope with it. How to treat ARVI? With the help of antiviral agents and drugs that stimulate the production of immune protein interferon, relief of symptoms.

What should I do if I have the first signs of ARVI?

The first signs of acute respiratory viral infection are not difficult to notice. Nasal congestion, sore throat, weakness, fever are all signs that the body is struggling with the infection that has got into it. A few hours after contact with the infected shows an acute respiratory viral infection, treatment should begin immediately. To cope with it at the first stages will help such methods:

  1. Observe the bed rest. The organism needs rest and a comfortable temperature.
  2. The air in the room should be fresh and moist. Walking in the street is permitted if there is no fever.
  3. To consume a large amount of liquid - tea, warm juices, compotes, fruit drinks, milk.
  4. Provide a healthy diet that involves limiting fatty, spicy food.
  5. Try not to bring down the temperature , not exceeding 38-38.5 degrees.
  6. Gargle and rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of furacilin, chamomile or salt.
  7. Take antiviral drugs - Ergoferon, Kagocel and others.

Acute respiratory viral infections - prevention

It is easier to prevent the disease than to eliminate its consequences. The topic is especially relevant during outbreaks in the cold months. Prevention of ARVI begins with the right model of behavior. To avoid infection, especially in dangerous periods, you must follow precautions, avoid contact with patients and increase your own immunity and resistance to infection. As children are more susceptible to viruses, the following recommendations exist for them (especially during outbreaks):

  1. Minimize communication with a large number of people.
  2. Refuse to go to the pool and the clinic without the need.
  3. If contact with the patient is supposed, wear a gauze dressing, a mask.

Viral particles die in a hostile environment and remain active in a dry, hot place, where there is a lot of dust. Therefore it is useful to regularly ventilate the room, filling it with fresh air, monitor the humidity level, do cleaning and do not forget to wash your hands. These methods of prevention are more effective than gauze masks. Help to cope with viruses and special essential oils, disinfecting air, ultraviolet rays.

In the cold season, airborne infections, ARVIs become especially active, the symptoms of which were found by everyone at least once. The pathological condition is manifested in weakness, defeat of the respiratory system, fever. Not all people go through the disease easily, complications are possible, especially if you are not serious about the first manifestations of the common cold and start the development of the disease on its own accord. Timely and correct treatment guarantees a quick result.