Coxsackie virus

Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem of the Earth - these are non-cellular agents that can exist and reproduce only within living cells. They affect almost all types of organisms - from plants to humans. Since 1892 - with the publication of Dmitry Ivanovsky, humanity is leading a more meaningful struggle with different types of viruses.

Enteroviruses are a separate category of non-cellular agents that affect the gastrointestinal tract, and cause disruption to its functioning. Symptoms of their strength may vary significantly, but it is obvious that each of the enteroviruses can lead to a fatal outcome with a complication in the form of meningitis.

Particular attention in the article we will pay special attention to the so-called Coxsackie virus and Esno.

The viruses of Coxsackie and Yesno

Especially refers to echoviruses, the peculiarity of which is the challenge of opportunistic diseases - those whose pathogens may be present in the body, but do not cause manifestations of the disease in healthy people.

First of all, the victims of such a virus are children and infants - due to insufficiently developed immunity, and adults suffer from Esno rarely.

But if you pay attention to the statistics of adult patients, it is obvious that men are sick more often. The prognosis for adults is favorable - the only frequent complication is myocarditis , but infants have a serious threat to life.

At the same time, the Coxsackie virus belongs to the category of enteroviruses. Coxsackie and Yesno have one similar feature - they are peculiar only to the human body.

There are about 30 species of Coxsackie viruses - they are divided into two groups - A and B. They are one of the main reasons for the development of aseptic meningitis. After the disease, a person develops permanent immunity.

Symptoms of the Coxsackie virus

Coxsackie is a virus in adults, which can be divided into two known categories.

Coxsackie A virus

Coxsackie type A virus causes a rash, and affects mainly the mucous membranes. A person develops conjunctivitis (acute hemorrhagic), as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This type of virus can provoke the development of stomatitis (vesicular type with exanthema), as well as herpangina - a throat disease. Aseptic meningitis is the most dangerous variant of the development of this type of virus.

The Coxsackie Virus

Coxsackie type B virus affects the liver, pancreas, heart, pleura, and provokes myocarditis, hepatitis and pericarditis. The liver suffers the most with this type of virus.

Diagnosis of the Coxsackie virus is carried out primarily by matching symptoms:

Analysis for the Coxsackie virus and its treatment

To diagnose the Coxsackie virus, you must pass a urine test. It is called "virological analysis of urine."

Before treating the Coxsackie virus, make sure that it was he who caused the symptoms. Treatment of Coxsackie, as well as of other viruses, is symptomatic. The patient needs to consume as much fluid as possible, since at an elevated temperature the body can be dehydrated.

To reduce the temperature prescribed paracetamol or other antipyretics. To relieve aches in the joints, with myalgia appoint NSAID funds - for example, Nimesil.

To reduce the manifestations of rash, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs - Allersin, Ketotifen, Suprastin.

Together with this, measures of dehydration and removal of the toxic effect of viruses are necessary.

If serous meningitis occurs , the patient needs hospitalization.